BULAWAYO deputy mayor Tinashe Kambarami and councillor Silas Chigora were yesterday released on ZWL$100 bail each after spending a night in police cells following their arrest for allegedly assaulting town clerk Christopher Dube.
The alleged assault took place at the Bulawayo City Council chambers on Thursday when Dube was being forcibly removed from his office for refusing to accept a suspension letter from Kambarami, who was acting mayor on the day.
Mayor Solomon Mguni was away on study leave when Kambarami tried to serve Dube with the suspension letter. Mguni has since reversed the suspension.
Kambarami and Chigora were arrested after Friday riots by some residents who had besieged the council chambers protesting against Dube’s suspension.
A meeting called by Kambarami to endorse Dube’s suspension was aborted following the protests by residents who went on to beat up some MDC councillors, among them Felix Mhaka who reportedly had to seek refuge at the offices of the state-owned Chronicle newspaper.
Magistrate Franklin Mkwananzi granted Kambarami and Chigora ZWL$100 bail each yesterday.
The two were represented by lawyers Dickson Moyo and Maqhawe Ndlovu.