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Property developer accuses top prosecutor for taking bribes

Kastimberis said Reza was in the habit of attending court whenever his cases engineered by Sharpe are heard and even when he was not the prosecutor.

A prominent Harare property developer has accused the deputy prosecutor general Michael Reza of taking bribes from his business rival in order to influence court cases.

George Katsimberis, who is facing a charge of defrauding Pokugara Properties owned by Ken Sharpe, made the allegations during cross examination at the Harare magistrates court on Monday.

Kastimberis said Reza was in the habit of attending court whenever his cases engineered by Sharpe are heard and even when he was not the prosecutor.

He cited a case where former Harare City Council chief building inspector Roy Nyabvure was arrested at the instigation of the prosecutor general after testifying in a case involving the property developer.

Katsimberis claimed Reza misled the police by saying Nyabvure was not testifying in any case before the courts, which led to the inspector’s arrest.

Sharpe and Katsimberis have several court cases against each other where they appear either as complaints or the accused.

The property developer said Reza has also been using his office to block him from accessing vital documents that he needs for his case before the Constitutional Court.

In one of the letters concerning the documents, Reza declared that he would not be compelled by anyone to release the documents.

"He would never be forced by anyone young or old, tall or short to respond to the request for further particulars,” read one of the documents read in court.

Katsimberis’ lawyer Paida Chinyoka asked the property developer how he felt after reading Reza’s lawyer.

“It made me feel very uncomfortable,” he replied.

“It was proof to me that the courts were compromised and that there was no reason for him to actually make that statement.

“It was a derogatory statement to say he is above the law and that he also does not respect my rights.

 "And that he was a law unto himself. And very disrespectful to the magistrate presiding over the case.

“What it did is to confirm that this is an incentivised prosecution because this is not the only time that Mr Reza got dramatic and in doing so I felt that this will not be a fair trial and it confirmed my suspicion."

Katsimberis said he was aware that he was making serious allegations against Reza.

 “It is my true belief and also very serious allegation that I am about to make that Michael Reza is being paid to prosecute me by Ken Sharpe, my ex-partner, and that Mr Reza is not in court doing what's fair and just,” he said.

“He is abusing his power and State machinery for his personal goal.”



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