My Dear People
Sandra Ndebele, a Zanu PF councilor in Bulawayo who is also an average musician, is one the latest beneficiaries of Wicknell Chivayo’s largesse.
Chivayo, who is one of the reasons Zimbabweans have to endure long hours of loadshedding thanks to his contribution in the Gwanda solar project saga, gifted Sandy with a Mercedes Benz GLE 400d worth US$155 000.
She joined a long list of Zanu PF aligned artists and apostolic sect leaders that have been given cars by the so-called businessman.
In a normal country, law enforcement agents would be taking a keen interest in that man’s source of income.
Even the wealthiest people in this world don’t go around throwing their money the way Wicknell does.
However, I don’t expect the so-called second repubric to bother investigating the source of his money because we all know who Wicknell is fronting.
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There is further proof that the decision by Nero to dump the Citizens Coalition for Change(CCC) has created pandemonium and turmoil with even politicians from the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion not being spared from the ensuing chaos.
Disgusted by what he rightly called the ‘bastardisation’ of the party, Nero announced he was leaving the party that has been invaded by the likes of self-imposed people such as Sengezo Tshabangu.
Even Zanu PF motormouth Chris Mutsvangwa has been frothing from the mouth over Nero’s pullout from the opposition outfit despite his party having initially feigned indifference to the development.
His threat that Nero would be arrested has shown that the panic of his pullout has not been confined to the opposition party alone.
Even the ridiculous claims by the CCC party spokesman Mkwananzi that Nero’s had “allegedly” pulled out of the party is an indication of how the country’s polity has been caught with its pants down kkkkk.
Nero has his faults but on this one I, the good doctor, applaud the young man.
Surely he cannot call himself a leader of a party where clowns can emerge from literally nowhere and recall his parliamentarians and councilors without his permission and then add insult to injury by claiming that they are doing so to protect him .
It would be madness for Nero to continue to lead a party, which has been corrupted by imposters who even fight to use his image while usurping his authority.
Kudos also to Fadzai Mahere, who has followed suit and disassociated herself from such a circus.
Most of the CCC members of parliament have clung on to their seats in parly despite pledging support for Nero’s pullout. Munopenga!!!
Talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it!
It will be interesting to see whether they will stay in those seats or be forced out by the dark actors, as Mahere called Tshabangu.
Still on opposition politicians, it is good to see that disgraced Dougie has finally grown some fangs even though it is too little too late as spokesperson of the recently formed National Electoral Reform Agenda (Nera), which is meant to give politicians of very little relevance some platform to remind Zimbabweans that they still exist.
The bespectacled fellow spat venom accusing the Scarfmore regime of an unfair advantage of the political space with the abuse of state institutions such as the inept and heavily compromised Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.
Where was this venom Douglas when you received assistance from the state to take over Harvest House from Nero and Co?
Where was this fire in the belly Dougie when the Scarfmore regime gave you funds under the Political Parties (Finance) Act, which you did not deserve?
Is this a Damascene moment for Mwonzora who readily assisted Scarfmore to change the constitution to increase his grip on the judiciary?
It is highly unlikely I am afraid.
I have no doubt that the latest contretemps by Dougie is driven more by sour grapes of having been dumped into the political sewer after his party failed to win a seat during both the 2022 by elections and last year’s fraudulent polls.
Worse still this drubbing occurred after he had begged Scarfmore not to let the polls go ahead. Mwonzora’s pathetic howls of protest from the depths of oblivion would be pitiful if it was not so hilarious.
The Scarfmore regime has ensured that the country is plunged to yet another low with Zimbabwe sliding further down the corruption index as it scored a measly 24 which is well below the regional average of 33.
Transparency International, a global coalition against corruption which reviews the corruption perception index (CPI) of 180 countries, released its global graft index last week, giving Zimbabwe an embarrassing 149/180.
In fact the only surprise I have is that we do not rank lower than that if the damning revelations by the Auditor Generals’ Office of rampant sleaze and graft in government departments are anything to go by.
The findings by Transparency International only confirm the disgraceful levels of corruption in the country since Ngwena was catapulted into power on the back of guns and tanks removing the fountain of wisdom that was Gushungo.
Under Scarfmore, the levels of corruption have festered to a pont where even the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, appointed to fight sleaze in all its forms, fails dismally to account for some of the money allocated to it.
Who the hell will guard the guards, one wonders.
It is mind-boggling that at a time Ngwena has appointed a corruption fighting body even in his own office, the country’s levels of corruption have actually reached frightening proportions.
This proves that Gushungo’s assessment of Scarfmore’s lack of probity was spot on.
It would be remiss of me to complete this missive without welcoming the release of CCC senior party Wiwa from the cruel and unjust imprisonment at the hands of the so-called second repubric.
And boy oh boy,
Wiwa has not lost any of his fiery character as he has accused his colleagues in the CCC of neglecting him during his time of imprisonment.
I can’t wait to see how this one unfolds.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)