The Bible states, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of it is destruction" (Proverbs 14:12, ESV). Many people make decisions that appear to be right, but God does not plan for us based on our perceptions or interpretations of situations through our flesh or emotions.
The Bible says "the path of the just is as a shining light" (Proverbs 4:18, ESV), indicating that there is a path God intends for us to walk. This path becomes brighter with each decision we make. There’s a secret in the Word that demonstrates the attitude we should have: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105, ESV). This shows that the light in your life comes from the Word of God, which directs and leads you. Many are blinded which leads to being blinded to the the true path of Life they are called into.
Sometimes we find ourselves making decisions, believing we are on the right path. However, without the Word, we may not make the right choices. The significance of the Bible being "a light unto my path" means that we should take the Word of God as our standard to help us make decisions.
The decisions that people make alone can often lead to darkness, while the decisions guided by God illuminate our paths. God has a brighter day planned for every person, but it manifests only through the choices you make in life. There may not be different paths but because of errors people create different path to that brighter day. God is his mercy allows this making room for our mistakes by adjusting the path. Even Though they appears to be many paths Gods desire is for us to enter into our brighter day, he seems to always redirect us despite our errors and mistakes.
When the Word of God is not a light unto your path, you may not follow God's instructions. The key to walking in what God has called you to is understanding His Word for you. When his word has become your light its easier to walk into our Perfect day.
As you seeking to identify the path God has for you, remember that His Word is both a lamp and a light. This light will guide you until you walk in your perfect day. I pray that you enter into your perfect day — when you manifest your calling, purpose, and the dreams God has for you. That is the greatest day of your prosperity and celebration.