Lest, we have forgotten. The Zifa normalisation committee is asking for just 5 'O' levels and nothing more for those seeking to challenge for positions in the Zifa board after they opened up nominations for the January 18 polls.
One can have as many degrees as one can dream of but the required document to contest the Zifa elections is an 'O' level certificate with five subjects at Grade C or better otherwise the rest can be left at home for future employment search.
Zifa are not asking for an 'A' level qualification neither are they asking for a degree but just an 'O' Level certificate bearing five subject passes.
That one has a masters degree, a doctorate or is a Professor, or has a qualification in sports management does not count in this case where one has to produce only the mandatory 'O' Level qualification to be eligible.
There won't be any overnight changes after the Sports and Recreation Commission put its seal of approval until probably when the Zifa congress sits again to look at the constitution that is coming well after the elections.
Some might not understand or probably lie to themselves what the 5 'O' level equivalent part of it means. Well, it does not mean the production of a higher qualification like A level or a degree, otherwise they could clearly have stated ' those with 5 'O' levels or above.'
The equivalent is for those who want to produce what 5 'O' levels is equivalent to in South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, the USA, the UK, China, or somewhere else
Or what 5 'O' Levels was for those who went to school in Zimbabwe before there was what we now call 'O' level — we know for sure they were called standard grades but chances are very slim that there are people still banking on Standard Six today.
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Keep Reading
We have been made to believe that the equivalent of 'O' level in South Africa is called the matric, a qualification one can produce in the Zifa elections as long as it has the required subjects.
We know for sure that some will try their best to smuggle themselves into the elections, but the risk or the danger would be in the humiliation that comes with it when the fraud is exposed.
We also know because of the corruption that has taken hold of Zimbabwean football that some of the officials will try to sneak one or two people into the polls but education does not lie and will always later reveal itself.
We also know for sure that some officials might try to twist things to suit their friends who have these degrees which were obtained without 5 'O' levels or were 'bought' in the streets in foreign lands and the Sports and Recreation Commission must guard against that.
As we kick off election campaign time, we are appealing to the Zifa normalisation committee to keep the nation updated as to who has been nominated for which position and who has been disqualified and for what reason.
Moreso, that the Zifa elections are of national interest and the nation deserves to know every development that is taking or has taken place — In the meantime, let the Zifa elections campaign begin.
Cancel referees awards
If it was in another country, the announcement to cancel the Castle Referee of the Year Award would have come long back but not in Zimbabwe where clear evidence of match fixing is defended.
Our referees have been so pathetic, so terrible, to the extent that video footage even showed that celebrated top referee Brighton Chimene awarded Scottland Football Club a 'dubious' penalty for a challenge that occured way way outside the box.
The reason why there is this mess in the Northern Region Soccer League's championship race is all because of the tricks of referee Mathew Dingo.
Right now, everywhere in our football be it in the Premiership, Division One and lower league football, the story is, or has been complaint after complaint about the officiating of the day.
As a result, it would be cruel to the name of the sponsor — Castle Lager — to attach it to the referees whose names are spoken about in bad language by the public day in-and-day out.
It would be advisable if not good for the sake of our football and our sponsors to cancel rewarding the referee of the year and his two runners up because nobody — this year — deserves that award.
Please PSL save our football by doing the right thing — cancel these 2024 referee awards and keep the money for better use.
- For your views, comments, and suggestions, mkariati@gmail.com or WhatsApp on 071 0774 596.