Within the genre of a people called the Americans (US) is that dominant sect from the European stock, whose characteristics are confusing.
On one side they are the most generous people upon the face of the earth.
On the other side they are very violent, bigoted to such extremes that South African observers find them worse than the Boers of South Africa.
The question at issue is that the mixture of cowboy and gun culture easily lends itself as a means to settle differences with an assassin’s gun. No less than 12 presidents have been victims of assassins.
The attempt on presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has long been in the making, and judging from the rhetoric by Democrats, the miracle is that he has survived this far.
An analysis of the assassination attempt on Trump by 20-year-old Thomas Crooks on July 13 is as follows.
The roof top from which the shooter (whites are called shooters persons of color are called terrorists) was about 200 yards directly from the podium from which Trump was speaking.
In order to make a direct hit, the shooter will have had surveyed the position before hand as will be shown by the next sentence. Thomas came on July 13, carrying a rifle and a ladder, in broad daylight and climbed to the roof top and set himself up.
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Police officer Jonathan Willis told the British Broadcasting Corporation that he saw Thomas, radioed the commander for permission to take him out and was denied permission to do so.
A red-haired young man and a group of people were witnesses and they too called the attention of the police. The red-haired man was ignored. Shouts can also be heard from attendees: “He has a gun.” This was five minutes before the shooting.
Thomas fired three shots, the first one grazing Trump’s ear and causing some harm to his ear drum. At this point the overlords appeared on the scene and shot Thomas.
Ray McGovern, a former Central Intelligence analyst, says that for the police to shoot Thomas, they must have had him in their scope for about three minutes before action.
The Republicans asked for enhanced security and were turned down for reasons of manpower shortages.
There is no love lost between Homeland Security secretary Alehandro Mayorkas, against whom the Republicans have passed a resolution of impeachment in Congress.
In another incident, Mayorkas (president Biden’s appointee) denied protective services for J.F. Kennedy, who challenged Biden in the primaries.
Republican congressman Mike Collins says that five days prior, Biden, speaking at a Democratic donor conference challenged Democrats thus: “I am fed up of this talk about the debate. It is time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
Biden was asked about this statement. He confessed that the statement was a misuse of words.
To be expected.
Considering the environment and that Biden was in a desperate situation against Trump, the issue then arises, after all the tricks in the Democratic book had been tried and Trump seemed to be gaining the sympathy of the populace, what was the final step?
This is called the Carter Carlson argument. Carlson is a leading broadcaste,r who lost his job at Fox News because he exposed “Deep State shenanigans.” I will mention only one last attempt to “get Trump” by the Democrats.
US attorney general appointed a cut throat attorney, Jeff Smith to a position of special counsel with the powers of a Ceasar to get Trump.
A federal judge who reviewed this appointment was frightened by the awesome powers arrogated to Jeff Smith.
“The framers of the (constitution) gave Congress a pivotal role in the appointment of principal officers. That role cannot be usurped by the executive (Biden) Branch or diffused elsewhere-whether in this case or in another case, whether in times of heightened national need or not.”
Thus, the Democrats lost their most powerful tool against Trump. They were hoping to throw him in a jailhouse for 74 years on all sorts of trumped-up charges.
Negligent collusion
Ray McGovern (already cited) argues that Thomas’ prior surveillance and subsequent appearance holding a rifle implies an assumption on the part of the security that he was one of them. In any case, a phrase that has been introduced into the debate is that of negligence collusion by the security officers.
Negligent collusion is very tricky. Surely the negligent officers know in advance that any amount of negligence can lead to the death of their charge. But negligence is not the same as conspiracy.
Biden has ordered the FBI to make a “thorough investigation” and get this thing over. That is asking the Fox to inquire into the loss of chickens.
Two examples will suffice. The FBI says that it is unable to recover the memory on Thomas’ cell phone. That is very convenient.
In a debate between Biden and Trump, the FBI hid information and got 51 of its officers to sign a petition that Hunter Biden (president’s son) was not involved in corrupt activities in the Ukraine. Meanwhile the FBI was hiding Hunter’s laptop.
The officers confessed they wanted Trump to lose the election.
This is a case of asking a fox to inquire into the disappearance of chickens.
The icing on the cake came with an attempt to blow up Trump’s head. On the afternoon of July 13, Thomas Crooks , holding a rifle, climbed to a roof top in broad daylight just before Trump was supposed to address a political rally.
By standers saw him and called the attention of the police. One policeman did turn up and attempted to climb the ladder.
The position of the shooter on a roof was a perfect look out in a straight-line facing Trump.
Requests for beefed up security, prior to the event, had been turned down by Biden’s administration.
The question seems to draw only one answer. “If the Democrats throw everything at Trump, and nothing sticks, what is left?” Carter Carlson asked.
*Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes from the US, He can be reached at mufukaken@gmail.com