January 6 marked the day when the election of Donald J. Trump was certified by Congress, with his opponent, vice-president Kamala Harris chairing the meeting.
Oh, how have the mighty fallen!
For close on ten years (since 2015) Democrats, whether in power or in opposition wielded a spell over the American people, using the television print media to fabricate, lie and tarnish their Republican opponents at will, even using judicial warfare against them, making up “stuff” and expecting everybody to go along.
That is the meaning of a spell. Very few, led by Trump himself, had the courage to challenge their trumped-up world; those who did lost careers, were destroyed spiritually, some were put in prisons and businesses ruined.
California fires illustrate the extent to which Democrats created an imaginary world. Six years ago, Trump had a pow wow with California governor Gavin Newsome.
Congress was willing to fund the use of Oroville Dam as well as redirect the use of water from Hoover Dam.
Both, if properly directed, could provide sufficient water to refill six reservoirs in readiness for perennial fires in California.
In addition, Congress was willing to redirect and support the National Forest Commission resources to take a lead in creating fire-guards, and cleaning fire prone dry under-brushes.
Newsome rejected the offer because a new fish species had been discovered in the internecine seashore waters (where fresh water interacts with salt water). The crux of the matter was that Newsome rejected the use of salt water by overhead fire-fighting planes because the snail population in the internecine regions was allergic to salt.
It never occurred to the Democrats that during a fire, as has happened during the last three weeks of December and January 2024/25 the snail population would be fried anyway.
When Democrats are confronted with facts, they do not bother to address the issues at hand. They get mad, scold the challengers, call them racists and snail-phobia deniers.
As we speak, half the fire-hydrants in Los Angeles were dry, or their pressure was so low as to be worse than useless.
Los Angeles is where Hollywood is situated and Sister Whoopi Goldberg had a US$3 million house there until yesterday.
The wealthiest district, comprising of more than 2 000 choice and up-scale houses was overwhelmed by fire.
Fire-fighting jets were prohibited from “drinking” salty sea-water to use in fire-fighting for the reason that snails would be annoyed.
A fool’s paradise.
Ten years ago, the mayor, Sister Karen Bass, decided that the city fire-department should reflect the racial mix-up of California. Previously dominated by white men with family traditions of heroic fire-fighting deeds, the new outfit was supposed to be inclusive.
In the Democrat book of “DEI”, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion means that every organization must not only include various racial groups but marginalized populations as well.
Therefore, one of Kristin Crowley’s qualifications as fire-chief was that she was openly gay, married to Ms. Hollyn Bullock (also a female fire-fighter).
Though Crowley had served for more than 10 years in 2018, she told the Malibu Times that “neither of us (meaning Hollyn) had fought a brush fire for at least five years (prior) and we were using only garden hoses and buckets.” Even then, in her mother-in-law’s street, it appears one in five hydrant was dry.
The renowned investigative reporter, Edward Helmore, says that since that date (six years ago) that neighborhood has been devastated.
As many as one in five (20%) water hydrants were dry. Helmore’s report is devastating. Since she became fire-chief, her request for 159 more manpower positions was met by “a reduction in force” of 61 as well as US$17 million in financial support.
Another reporter, Megyn Kelly chips in. The devastating fire was preventable. “Los Angeles fire-chief has made not filling fire hydrants with water top priority, but diversity.”
Adam Corolla, a white fire-fighter, was asked to wait for seven years to join the department because their priority lay with Asians (who do not want these types of jobs) or lesbians and blacks.
The result is a contradiction. While the department is short of manpower, it has a long waiting list of white men.
Democrat Priorities
Americans have a phrase for this behaviour. Democrats are masters of “acting out, cutting up and pretending.” Their priorities are ridiculous. Los Angeles City has put in place laws to allow homeless people to squat (and sleep) on street pavements.
Since one cause is drug use by injection, the city provides addicts with free needles for self-injection. There are of course soup kitchens by missionaries.
The police department was ordered not to arrest petty thieves guilty of stealing goods valued at less than US$1 000. So, a policeman is faced with a gang of boys armed with calculators, who do not deny their association with shop-lifting, but claim that the goods in their possession are valued at less than US$1 000. They have calculators to prove their point.
In any case, bail is granted under “self-cognizance” without a monetary deposit. The culprits do not turn up for a hearing.
The most egregious commitment by Democrats is to granting all mankind some dignity. Los Angeles is a sanctuary city for illegal migrants. The phrase “illegal migrants” has been removed from police jargon. They are now called persons residing in the US without the permission of government.
Natives do not resent the presence of refugees seeking a better life. They resent the fact that these illegal migrants are housed in hotels, allowed three meals a day (even choosing ethnic cuisine of their home country). There are thousands of sick war veterans who do not “qualify for these benefits.”
The Los Angeles fire, because it affected the wealthiest part of Hollywood, has totally destroyed the Democratic myth of being a people’s party. The spell has been broken.