The essence of every form of art is about being communicative, and this communication is actualised through various mediums of information dissemination.
Whether be it in music, paintings and sculpture or architecture, art has the deeper ability to communicate complex ideas and feelings including some that we can struggle to put in words.
Whenever we appreciate a piece of art, the focal point is about us understanding the message of the art piece.
In my art for example I have also used the music and poetry I write to represent my thoughts. I am of the belief that with art, ideas and concepts can travel through times and civilisations to reach an audience without that much of textual presentations.
In the context of edutainment, it is imperative to understand that all art is a kind of communication and this communication has to be driven by meaning, which can build and instigate the prevalence of development within our community.
In as much as an artist is trying to portray real life exactly as it is, they are, in a great many cases, communicating something that they would have seen.
A musical piece's melody can also communicate emotions. Complimenting harmonies show happiness, relaxation and serenity, and clashing harmonies communicate excitement, anger, or unpleasantness.
Every single word, phrase, and metaphor contributes to the tone, mood, and story of the song. It is through these elements that the emotional and intellectual impact of the song is achieved.
- Message-based approaches in art
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The choice of words and phrases used in the lyrics of a song greatly affect the overall message or impact of a song. A song might use language to describe a situation or emotion in a powerful way that captures the listener’s attention and stimulates their emotions.
For example, the use of vivid imagery in the lyrics of a song can create vivid mental pictures that help to express the mood or feeling of the song.
For example, the late Paul Matavire's music gained popularity due to his humor, the use of rich and deep Shona lyrics, and his willingness to tread on what many regarded as sensitive societal issues. His songs touched on anything from religion to marital issues, but still retained the humor that made it ever so popular.
Matavire's hit song "Dhiyabhorosi Nyoka" stirred controversy at its release by its reference to the Biblical Eve, and women in general, as the root cause of every man's troubles, while at the same time acknowledging the pivotal role women play in society.
I truly believe there are emotions felt when listening to one of our favorite songs that do not even have words yet to describe them. These feelings are so unique in that they emotionally peek into the soul. A great song can facilitate what only the sound and the heart of the listener combined may describe them.
Communication in art can occur through many different elements of an art work. Some of the more noticeable elements can include symbols, allegories, colors, or even the actual medium itself.
The beautiful thing is that none of these rely on words. Words will limit the ability of an audience to understand any artistic work if there is no other way to access the piece. It is important to consider how even classic or otherwise great works of literature in another languages lose some of their meanings in translation.
With art, especially visual art, the problem of translation and interpretation through language can be overcome through visual presentation.
Of course, some individuals have visual impairments and therefore may not be able to see these works, but many museums, especially those overseas work to offer audio presentations and tours of works so that works can be appreciated by all.
People tend to communicate with words, both written and verbal. But sometimes, conveying ideas is done in other ways.
We have all heard the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words because art can get ideas across using a different kind of vocabulary.
It is in this regard that it can be noted that people respond more to visual images more than words. Different parts of the brain process what the eye sees in many ways, and it thus makes sense that people are able to pursue different means of communication especially at a time when the words are not effective, and hence art translates the words into symbols.
People have expressed themselves through dance and creative movement for as long as humans have been around.
Creative movement is a form of dance that uses rhythmic, patterned, or improvised body movement, and it's one of the oldest art forms found in every culture around the world.
Dance is often accompanied by music, but it's also a form of nonverbal communication and self-expression, because when people feel free to move their bodies without judgment, we often get a glimpse of their innermost thoughts and feelings.
Body language is a key aspect of communication in dance. Through the precise movements of our bodies, we can share emotions, tell stories, and convey a message. Every dance style has its unique set of body language, such as the graceful arm movements of classical ballet or the rhythmic footwork of tap dance.
Additionally, body language can also be used to create tension, suspense, or excitement in a performance. It is an essential tool for dancers to express themselves and connect with their audience. By exploring and mastering the intricacies of body language, dancers can elevate their performances to a whole new level.
Art is a powerful means of communication and is therefore a potent weapon to bring about change and this is change that can instigate growth and development.
Interaction with people and the environment is my artistic inspiration and stimulation, and this has been a factor that has also pushed my expressive journey in the experimental arts enhancing the production of a unique blend of music and poetry.
The essence of art is about getting across a message, an emotion, or envisioning a better tomorrow.
Art for me is something that goes far beyond the studio and gallery walls but it is about being intensely interested in the beauty and ugliness of everything surrounding us. This then allows me to create art that others can find interesting and in the process using art as an edutainment tool.
- Raymond Millagre Langa is musician, poet, orator, independent researcher and founder of Indebo edutainment Trust. You can follow on Facebook @Millagre Ray Langa, on X you can follow on #Millagre Langa, email. millagrepapito@gmail.com or indebotrust@gmail.com