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I could have been ‘mbinga’: Mukanya

Exiled protest musician and government critic Thomas “Mukanya” Mapfumo said he could have been part of the elite class within the ruling party.

EXILED protest musician and government critic Thomas “Mukanya” Mapfumo has described recent spending and car gifts to artists by Wicknell Chivayo as a Zanu PF “project”.

Chivayo has been on a spending spree, gifting Zanu PF-affiliated musicians and influences with top-of-the range vehicles from Exquisite Car Dealership, which is reportedly owned by Mangwana’s sons.

“There are people including artists that are being spoiled by Chivayo,” Mukanya said.

“We are watching them. It’s not his (Chivayo’s) money, that’s Zanu PF money.

“He is being used to splash money on cars to the party loyalists by a force working in the background.

“People should not adore him and think that he is wealthy and a hard worker because it’s not his money.”

Mapfumo said he could have been part of the elite class within the ruling party.

“I was arrested for supporting these people (Zanu PF) during the war of liberation,” he said.

“I was incarcerated by the Rhodesian government for singing protest music.

“If I continued supporting these people, today I could be part of the rich elites.

“You could be calling me ‘mbinga’ with farms, properties and money at the expense of the poor taxpayers.

“However, I chose to stand with the people. We are in these positions to protect people and to represent the rights of citizens.”

Pre-independence, Mapfumo was imprisoned without charges under the white-dominated Rhodesian regime.

He went on to be a fierce opponent and critic of the Mugabe regime which succeeded it.

He was hounded by the Mugabe government and had to live in exile in the United States for two decades, he returned to Zimbabwe in April 2018 for the first time since 2005 to perform a series of concerts.

Mukanya has also rebuked Mnangagwa’s regime which ascended to power through a military assisted coup. Mapfumo claims returning to Zimbabwe will put his life in danger.

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