A simmering war sparked by greed and jealousy among local musicians fighting a battle of supremacy seems to be brewing in this country. I am not sure how many times we have called for unity among musicians, but recent events between Seh Calaz and Winky D have shown us that unity among musicians is a far cry from this idealistic thinking.
I was disturbed the other day to read about Seh Calaz’s comments regarding Winky D’s performance at Rufaro Stadium as part of the launch of Swan, a new venture by the Swan Valley Group. Despite it being his homeground, Seh Calaz was not included in the line-up. Instead of having a go at the show promoters, Seh Claz attacked Winky D. To put that in context, the concert was part of the Swan Launch concert series. It took place at Rufaro Stadium on January 25 in Mbare. Swan Launch Harare edition Highlighted Winky D | Baba Jakobho at Rufaro Stadium.
Dubbed Harare Edition the show also featured Master H, Kinnah, Nisha T, Saintfloew, Darula, Alick Macheso, Mcdrot, Fantan, and DJ Levels. Calaz was not included. One can only imagine what this exclusion must have done to his ego for not being able to perform in his homeground.
This is what he was alleged to have said: Musician Seh Calaz claims that Swan Company is owned by Zanu PF, and that Winky D, by being booked and performing at the show, is actually benefiting from Zanu PF, just as Seh Calaz benefited from a car given by Wicknell Chivayo, who is a strong Zanu-PF supporter.
Seh Calaz argues that the same “bosses” Winky D sings about in his song Siya, saying people should not rely on them, are the same ones paying him for his shows, specifically mentioning the recent Swan Launch that took place in Mbare.
This comes after Winky D shut down the fully-packed Rufaro Stadium with his electrifying performance at the SWAN official launch. Winky D worked for his money. He gave a performance. He worked for it. He sweated for it. It was not a free car or free money. There is no distinction between money coming from MDC, CCC or Zanu PF. If one chose to distinguish where money is coming from based on party lines, most people would not survive. If one has worked for it, they deserve to be paid. It does not matter where the money is coming from. If that was the case, Seh Calaz should choose to buy stuff from Zanu PF vendors only. Winky D said that if he did not sweat for it, he should leave it alone.
Calaz expressed gratitude to his fans for not causing any chaos at the show. He dissed Winky D for taking a swipe at people who received car gifts from Chivayo.
“Mbare NeMabhanditi NeVene thank you for showing Zimbabwe and the world that we are not violent, vanga vakatiteya but mavaratidza kuti they are free in Mbare, ndivo havo vanga vakuimba zvemota dzema artists nevese vakapuhwa na Sir Wicknell kunge pane akambovaedza mota, ndiro godo undercover nechi badmind ,dai ari Mapfumo adaro better Sir Wicknell rambai muchingopa wamada, padamoyo,nerudorwenyu ,anonongedza vamwe asi ko mutsvene ndiyani ?”
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Translated as: Sir Wicknell should continue to give to give cars to those he likes. Winky D is jealous that he was not given any. He is expressing a holier-than- thou attitude. If it was Thomas Mapfumo saying this, I would understand.
I asked one fan who attended the show in Mbare about Calaz not being included. His remarks were: “I don’t care about Seh Calaz not performing. What did he sing? He thinks that he is as big as Di Bigman, but he is not. He would have loved his fans to cause a riot but they also enjoyed the Gaffa’s music and it was quite peaceful. Only one Zanu PF youth came to me and asked me “Half past eight, yes or no?” I told him I did not understand. Then he went on to say Half past eight in the 24hour clock is 2030. Do you say yes or no to 2030? I said that now I understood and told him to go away as this was not about politics and he went away. After that, we really enjoyed the Gaffa’s electric performance.”
Indeed Winky D gave a memorable concert at Rufaro Stadium. Dressed in a spangly and sequinned outfit and also wearing a black hat he gave the thousands of fans in the stadium cheerful ditties such as Ma Problem Ese Ndoda Kuti Aite Disappear after introducing himself with “Big Up Every Gaffa in Mbare!”
If I was Winky D’s manager, I would take the same show to every township, starting with the refurbished Gwanzura Stadium, Mabvuku and other places where it is evident the ghetto youths are starved of this kind of entertainment. The youths at Rufaro stadium had not seen Winky D and his Vigilance band perform there since 2017. Some of the youths had walked from Glen View to Mbare to witness the Gaffa’s spectacular performance. Those I spoke to all said it was well worth it.
There is no need for rivalry between Winky D and Seh Calaz. After all they have performed and recorded together in the past. Seh Calaz was obviously angry at not being included in the line up of musicians playing in his homeground, Mbare, where he feels he is king, but had no reason to have a go at Winky D and his team.
This is what Calaz said to Winky D afterwards: “I challenge you to a clash any day any venue, kana matya clash we do same show different sets and let people be the judges, mukahwinha ndoziva muchiri Bigman sekare. Mari yacho yoenda kunherera ne shirikadzi, vakaremara vasingaone,nemastreetkids nevesevanotambudzika.” ( Lets have a clash so that you can prove to the people that you are still the Bigman.The money from our clash will go to different charities.)
He criticised Winky D and his fans for having double standards, accusing them of slamming him for complaining about how Winky D and his manager Jonathan Banda, allegedly had him removed from shows.
Seh Calaz argues that the same “bosses” Winky D sings about in his song “Siya”, saying people should not rely on them, are the same ones paying him for his shows, specifically mentioning the recent “Swan Launch” that took place in Mbare.
In his song Siya Winky D sings:
Zvisina dikita rangu kani maoko angu siya
Zvisina kuda kwangu moyo wangu siya
Rusiri rwendo rwangu kani makumbo angu mira
Asiri mashoko angu muromo wangu pfira
Haiwa chingoramba haa ah-ah haaa
Haiwa chingoramba haa ah ah haaa
Iwe meso chingoramba haa ah-ah aha
Makumbo chingoramba haa ah ah haaa Zvisina dikita rangu kani
(Loosely translated as follows:)
If its not of my sweatMy hands should leaveIf its not of my willMy heart should leaveIf its not of my pathMy legs should stopIf they are not my wordsMy mouth should spit outNo. you must refuseAs musicians, we strive to inspire solidarity, transcend demographics, and spread joy through the universal language of music. Unity and solidarity are two important elements musicians should aim for instead of ‘dissing’ each other. This is one reason why the Zimbabwe Union of Musicians is in disarray.
- Feedback: frezindi@gmail.com