What the people of Zimbabwe should know is that Mbuso was never a member of the MDC as stated by the MDC-T spokespersons when he staged a non-existent defection to the MDC-T.
Mbuso has been misled into thinking he can make a living through the deeds of his dead father who suffered at the hands of well-known MDC-T thugs. Mbuso’s flirting with the MDC-T is nothing but a betrayal of his father. Gibson Sibanda was a level-headed and principled leader, not a bootlicker and political coward. I doubt that Mbuso can ever command the same respect as his late father.
Siabonga Malandu Ncube will not lose any sleep over Mbuso, who is more of a nonentity in the area. Professor Welshman Ncube will not be shacken by recent utterances at the memorial service of the late Sibanda and at MDC-T rallies.
The MDC will retain the seat in the next elections with or without Mbuso. Gibson, not Mbuso Sibanda, was a member of the MDC.MDC-T is not different from Zanu PF in as far as seeking political mileage through dead people is concerned. Tsvangirai has been dishing out accolades and heaping praises since the burial of Gibson Sibanda and that will never help him win any support in the area.We are very much aware of the people who have been misleading the Sibanda family and its very shameful to note that among those people there is a pastor. A lot has been written to discredit Prof Welshman Ncube or defame him by some pro Tsvangirai journalists on the payroll of MDC-T but that won’t change anything in as far as contesting the election goes.
Tsvangirai and Robert Mu-gabe are the ones who should be worried by the emergence of MDC as a strong party. As supporters of the party, we don’t want an election alliance with satanic political players like MDC-T. The MDC does not need Tsvangirai to win future elections.We shall remain steadfast, determined and committed to the delivery of a just, fair and prosperous Zimbabwe.I laughed my lungs out when I read some false statements being attributed to Prof Welshman Ncube concerning Morgan Tsvangirai’s education. I personally attended the Torwood rally and he never said anything about Tsvangirai at all. I am very surprised by the number of misled readers writing letters to the editor believing the story was true.What I remember him saying is that Zimbabwe needs both intellectual and technical capacity to take it forward. Prof Ncube did not say Tsvangirai is uneducated.
Gugugu Magorira, Harare.