Letter to my people: Structureless CCC is giving them torrid time
This says a lot about how deep Zanu PF’s fear of CCC is. They literally want to change the rules while the game is in play.

Contextually, the Sadc region continues to suffer from the effects of climate change, and Zimbabwe has not been spared by the temperature extremities and rainfall variabilities that often precipitate into droughts. This has created a water crisis, both in urban and rural areas, further exacerbated by water leakages, contaminations, and inefficiencies in our traditional water systems.
Those of us in the public relations profession cringed, as the chairperson made a promise his company would from now on, “do things differently.” This spurred some of us into a debate on why companies choose to rebrand and whether they really understand the risks involved, and perhaps that they would have chosen that route merely to put lipstick on a pig.
According to research done last week by the Institute for Young Women’s Development (IYWD), Zimbabwe ranks first in terms of nomination fees required to run for president.
“They are drinking and smoking themselves to oblivion,” says one of the patriarchs as we slaughter a neighbour’s beast in my village in southwestern Zimbabwe over the weekend.
The Zimbabwean government has in the past made efforts toward building a socially cohesive society. Examples are the creation of a ministry in 2009 in the President’s Office, which was headed by the late John Nkomo and was responsible for national healing, reconciliation and integration.
Guvamatanga referred to overpricing by actors awarded tenders by the state procurement board. Overpricing of goods tendered to government entities is common throughout the world because government can take up to six months to pay after invoices are submitted.
White elephant institutions and projects did not have visions and if they had, they did not have the technical know how to craft a living and immortal vision that transcends time. People came to participate in the badly crafted or non-existent vision and they perished. Politics ensued because they had so much energy that they had to do something about it and because there was no agenda, they resorted to many shenanigans that shot the organization in the foot, rendering them a white elephant project.
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The conference revealed the need to improve access to the living conditions and promote healthier local food and production systems to tackle longstanding deprivation.
Well, it is true that I was in Kinshasa to receive an award from Sadc on behalf of Baba for his role as the founding father of this country.
Despite a number of international, regional, and national laws that grant women the right to equal political participation and representation as citizens, gender disparities still exist in the access to political leadership positions across local governments, national parliaments, and executive institutions of power across the world.
Most media organisations in Zimbabwe subscribe to this self-regulatory mechanism, with the code of conduct being the yardstick for professional journalistic standards and the basis on which the media is held accountable to the public.
Assuming that Zimbabwe implements green building standards to the levels of the greenest building in the world — the Edge, located in Amsterdam, which uses 70% less electricity than comparable office buildings, the annual electricity import bill from Zambia alone would be reduced from US$75.6 million to US$22.68 million.
Mutsekwa was further applauded for his refusal to be deployed in Matabeleland at a time he had just been promoted to the rank of full colonel to lead a battalion in Nyanga that was going to be deployed in Matabeleland during the Gukurahundi campaign.
It is important therefore to remember that all businesses come out of solving a problem and that solving that problem can happen in different ways based on the reality of that time and the brain of the people engaged with that problem.
Employers were able to rent on behalf of their workers in hostels where half a dozen workers shared a room, and several rooms shared a bathroom and toilet.
The “essence” of Zimbabwe is that it is a learning community. There is both anecdotal and statistical evidence that Zimbabwean students have grasped the idea of “studying.” Thirdly, I dare to say that Zimbabwe is the best educated nation in the world, beating Britain, New Zealand, and Australia in literacy rates (95%). A juicy report recently revealed that 33% of British citizens are marginally literate! Fourthly, the basis of Zimbabwe’s educational supremacy has its roots in Christian missionary education and what the English called the “public school model” of education.
TALK SHOW WITH TSAMWAI NYEMBA If you’ve ever been involved with public relations (PR) & communication, you’ll quickly notice that the industry is filled with women. Nearly 80% of the public relations industry today is comprised of ladies. And it’s not even just the work force that is run by the girls. My time studying […]
Our SMEs are on the record for failing due to lack of capital/finances. Why not ride on the “Eco” way of doing business as it is economical (a low hanging fruit).
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Frequent daily power cuts coupled by lack of resources are pushing most of the country’s health institutions to their limits.
Formed in 1950, the ASDA is offshoot of the global SDA church and its focus is on the gospel of mercy derived from the biblical book of Matthew in which Jesus urges mutual compassion, clemency and sympathy.
Effective antibiotics are critical to ensuring medical life as we know it. Prior to the discovery of antibiotics, routine events such as a tooth extraction, giving birth, sexually transmitted infections, appendicitis were associated with high mortality.
The majority of these structures are usually regarded as landmarks and are key components of infrastructure with some becoming engineering icons due to their sphere of influence to the beholder.
But the owners of some villas in Borrowdale will be more than happy to tell you that his construction company TimCon are the builders of their immaculate upmarket homes.
About 65% of eligible voters, according to the Kenyan electoral commission, participated in the parliamentary, local and presidential elections, a significant decrease from the almost 80% voter turnout in 2017.
This was the subject of a webinar organised by the Marketers’ Association of Zimbabwe on how PR can help in achieving sustainable business growth. In this article, we discuss the impact that public relations has on companies and how these public relations measures affect the company’s bottom line, demonstrating that PR can be a significant tool to help companies grow.