THE Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has challenged the private sector to follow the government’s initiative of paying bonuses in United States Dollars (USD).
In a statement on Thursday, ZCTU Acting Secretary General, Runesu Dzimiri commended the government and encouraged other employers to follow suit to cushion the country's long-suffering workers.
"Though the ZCTU appreciates the principle of payment of remuneration in foreign currency as a noble example by the government, being the major employer, we call upon the government to extend this same example to all its workers' pensionable emoluments to permanently alleviate them from the current economic hardships.
"In the same vein, we are calling upon all employers, including those in the private sector, to emulate the government by incentivising their employees by giving them a well-deserved bonus after a year of hard work. Every year most workers look forward to the 13th Cheque as a goodwill (gesture) by employers to motivate them to work harder. Indeed in some companies, the 13th Cheque is part and parcel of an employment contract," Dzimiri said.