The sanitary wear was donated at Murehwa Primary and Murehwa High schools for distribution to underprivileged young girls.
"You know menstruation is not a choice but a natural process girls go through in their lives. We are doing this donation as a way to preserve the dignity of the girlchild. We have heard stories of young girls using cow dung as pads which is very distressing to us as this will leave them at risk of contracting cervical cancer and other dangerous diseases," said Zimcelebs admins Lewis John and Tafadzwa Rusike Gondo.
John also encouraged men to support their daughters and sisters when it comes to their menstrual wellbeing. "Men and boys should stop stigmatising females during their menstrual cycles. They need to understand that menstruation is a normal process females should go through. It is important that us as males we support our females during their menstrual cycle," he said.
Zimbabwe has been enduring period poverty at the behest of expensive sanitary pads. There have been calls to incentivise local sanitary pads manufacturers as well as giving tax rebates to importers so that they are made available for free to the young girls.
"I also would like to call on government to make sure sanitary pads are availed to adolescents and young women for free," John said.