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Soccer players need God — former Bosso captain

Former Highlanders captain Innocent Mapuranga

Former Highlanders captain Innocent Mapuranga has called upon players to desist from using juju to win matches saying only the anointing of God through prophecy can make them win.

Mapuranga made the remarks when he and Highlanders coach Kelvin Kaindu visited Prophet Blessing Chiza of Eagle Life Assembly church during a church service on Sunday last week in Bulawayo.

He said it is a lie that God has nothing to do with soccer, adding that soccer players are now carrying Bibles to camps to seek divine intervention for them to win matches.

Mapuranga, a member of Champions of Christ International Ministries church said he knew Prophet Chiza  whom he added  would come to make serious prayers for them while they were in their  camp at Highlanders and predict the score line in their favour. He said the prophecy would normally came to pass.

“ It is a lie that God has nothing to do with soccer, everyone needs God, we were all created by God so  as players we need God, if you see the way how we played as a team at  Highlanders and the way how we   loved one another it is because of him. Every team needs God, if a Prophet can transform people like Mthulisi Maphosa, it was big job," he said. 

Mapuranga said Prophet Chiza would come preach  to them and that everyone was transformed and started carrying Bibles at the camps.

He added that at one time he visited them at Barbourfields Stadium during a pre-match exercise saying he prayed and kicked three penalties and told them that they were going to win  3-0, Mapuranga said the prophecy  came to fruition.

“We have seen God uplifting people even in prisons, if the Prophet can transform a person  like Mthulisi Maphosa, he was a big job, if you see people like those ones taking a bible to  camp and sometimes preaches one would just say that this  is the anointing of God and the voice of the prophet,’’ Mapuranga said.

Kaindu said, he came representing himself as an individual to hear the word of God since he is also a pastor and apparently Highlanders won 2-0 in the Sunday’s match after the visit.

Prophet Chiza said his church is all inclusive, regardless of any political affiliation.

“I am the one who made the prophecy in 2017 that President Emmerson Mnangagwa was going to be the next President but people did not believe me by then but it came to pass,’’ he said

Former Zengeza West Mp Job Sikhala also visited Prophet Chiza early this month saying he had come to thank him for praying for him whilst he was in prison resulting in his subsequent release.

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