The events in South Africa are attracting world attention, but not always of a positive kind.
Last week the American Broadcasting Corporation (March 21) reported that South Africa’s “leftist Economic Freedom Fighters party is demanding the resignation of President Cyril Ramaphosa”.
The word “leftist” places EFF on a collision path with the US policy makers who use that word to describe communist parties. In any case the ABC News Network gave the impression that the national shut down was not widely subscribed.
Independent news networks, however, reported that: “Thousands of protesters marched through South Africa’s cities …calling on President Cyril Ramphosa to resign over lack of jobs and opportunities.”
The main issue is whether the leader of the EFF, Julius Malema, can rise to the occasion, to provide leadership untainted with globalist associations.
Since the passing away of the first crop of nationalists such as Kwame Nkurumah and Muammar Gaddafi, present day leaders, educated in Europe and the US, are more comfortable with the Davos crowd than with their own people back home.
Malema got something right there. Their speech is indistinguishable from that of imperialists, whose dress and accolades they imitate.
They are indifferent to the suffering of their own people, whom they hold in contempt.
- Prophet Chikomo vows to lead SA Exodus
- Letter from America: South Africa: Can Malema rise to the occasion?
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Malema is filling a void. He is the champion of the insufferable, incorrigible, irredeemable and unrepentant marginalised people of South Africa.
Professor Andre Thomashausen spilled the beans last week that European and US globalists who raised money to make Ramaphosa president have abandoned his ship and have already chosen his vice president to succeed him.
The brazen shamelessness of such a confession is usually the punishment meted out to puppets when they no longer serve their master’s will.
Malema’s agenda
Malema has grasped some fundamentals. Malema, who has no education to boast about has more sense than the globalists. The European agenda in South Africa is to prevent South Africa’s minerals from being declared sovereign national wealth. As we speak, the HQ of the world’s largest diamond company, De Beers is in London.
Malema has grasped the essence that the Dudula Movement is a charade created by imperialists and the ANC to divert attention from the serious issues mentioned above.
To whom do the diamonds and gold of South Africa belong? That is the question.
The Dudula movement is an attempt by South African blacks to divorce themselves from their blackness and African-ness to what end, there is no knowing.
In the meantime, they are completely indifferent to the treatment of black refugees crossing into Europe from Libya.
Malema has seen through this ruse by imperialists to keep South African blacks in the dark.
In that sense, Malema follows the footsteps of the early nationalists like Nkurumah. Africa must unite.
The immediate cause of the South African shut down by the EFF is the unrelenting electricity shutdowns caused by lack of good planning at Eskom (Electricity Commission) and corruption by ANC backed black empowerment companies.
In yesterday’s demonstration, it was revealed that the black empowerment groups were awarded two contracts to build Medupi and Kusile power stations in 2016.
To put it kindly, the power stations are not producing electricity. Please dear reader, do not ask where the money went to. That in fact is only half the story.
There were sixteen such projects on the drawing board since 2002. The projects, the money and everything else has vanished into thin air.
If I were to make a list of ANC shenanigans, I would see no end to it. Former president Thabo Mbeki, in his meet the people travels was told time and again that if only the money allocated by parliament for local government use had reached its target, most of their problems would have been solved.
Mbeki asked the question. “What do you mean, by having reached its target?”
To make a long story short, in most cases, only 50% of the parliamentary allocations reached their target, the difference went into ANC pockets along the way.
The significance of US opinion in reference to Malema is that as long as the ANC sings the globalist capitalist tune, its sins are forgiven and the four global media houses will bypass their sins.
In fact, Malema has once more grasped the globalist agenda.
They want sobering projects to fail so they can sell them to their cronies at a song.
We need to reiterate the original purpose of these sovereign national projects.
These sovereign projects, the Railways, Eskom, Farmers’ Coops and National Parks were designed by Boers to absorb those Boer kids among them who could not compete in the English-speaking world.
Surely, even a stupid Boer kid could shovel coal into a train locomotive. He was called a fireman.
Surely a stupid Boer kid could ride round a national park in a jeep checking if the fences were down.
These jobs were reserved for whites, you sluggard and they provided secure and comfortable livings.
On the other hand, they provided national services at low costs to industry and businesses.
The globalists want to privatise them and make profit the driving spirit.
The people who support Malema will be turned into hewers of wood and drawers of water as the safety net is burned.
Foreign policy
African countries, including South Africa are becoming aware of the colonial legacy. Ramphosa has come late into the struggle, but recently, he has shown some spine.
The visit to South Africa of US Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen was at best a humiliation for South Africa, and at worst down right humiliating.
Ms. Yellen treated Ramaphosa as one would a recalcitrant kid, telling him South Africa cannot be friends with Russia.
Similar issues were raised in Namibia. The interviewer wanted to know why there were more Chinese nationals in Namibia than Germans.
Studies by the European Union Commission reported that the German model is the best. Children as young as 12 years are attached to real life companies where they can spend up to four hours in a mining or chicken raising plant.
Malema asked the question. Whose mines are these children going to work in? And why are South African children not taught mining in school? I rest my case.
Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes from the US.