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I’m broke, says ex-MP

Former Marondera Central legislator, Ian Kay says he has quit politics because he is struggling to make ends meet after Zanu PF supporters destroyed his properties.

Former Marondera Central legislator, Ian Kay says he has quit politics because he is struggling to make ends meet after Zanu PF supporters destroyed his properties.

By Jairos Saunyama

Kay, once a popular MDC-T MP, was a victim of political violence in 2008 and has struggled to recover financially.

“I am no longer into active politics. There are no finances. In fact, I am looking for a job,” he said.

“I did not get compensation after the destruction of my property.

“As it stands, my wife is taking care of me. You need to be financially stable to be in politics.

“For now, it is like a body without legs, the pockets are empty.”

However, the former commercial farmer had some advice for MDC-T — only an opposition coalition can topple President Robert Mugabe. “I am in support of the grand coalition and it is good for the MDC-T to join forces with other parties to challenge Mugabe,” he said.

Kay was suspended from MDC-T in 2013 after he described party leader Morgan Tsvangirai as a rusty bolt.

He had lost the Marondera seat to former Zanu PF provincial chairperson Ray Kaukonde by a small margin in elections held the same year.

The outspoken politician said the current situation favours Zanu PF to retain power.

“Even though I am encouraging the coalition of parties, the playground is not even and Zanu PF can retain the power,” he said. “A lot is happening at the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and there is need for the opposition to put its house in order, otherwise they handover Zanu PF victory on a silver platter.”

Kay refused to comment on Tsvangirai’s health and fresh calls for him to step down.