As the mother of all elections in Zimbabwe waits by the corner, my sources tell me that there is a lot of apprehension, fear and pessimism about the future.
Please take heart, judging by the events throughout the continent, you must rejoice, our century has come.
The winds of change are blowing all over Africa. The root cause for optimism is the generality of social media (the cellphone) among the poorest of the African peoples. The Masai warrior and the Episcopal bishop in Kenya carry on a conversation through the Nokia flip phone.
Isaka Seme, Ll.B., D.LL from Columbia University (USA) and Oxford, a founder of the South African Native Congress, laid down a plan for the regeneration of Africa in 1906.
Through or using the cellphone, every African child with a seventh-grade education knows that the children of Afrik are united both by skin and an awesome heritage.
“The grandeur of (Egypt’s) and the gigantic proportions of its architecture reduce to insignificance the boasted monuments of (Europe) other nations.”
Seme argues, and today’s children know for certain that all children of Afrik are united by this shining heritage as well as their melanin, whether they are in Fiji or in the US Diaspora. “These mighty monuments seem to look with disdain on every other work of human art and vie with nature herself.”
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Whether in Zimbabwe, or in the Congo, or in Chad, through social media, every African child now realises that the history of Europe has been that of brigandage and plunder, both of natural and cultural resources.
In Zimbabwe, my informants tell me that both intellectual prostitutes like Professor Jonathan Moyo, and their political counterparts, Douglas Mwonzora and Linda Masarira, as well as gold Mafia sinners like Prophet Uebert Angel have been undressed.
The last brother mentioned above, is neither a prophet, nor an angel, but a sinner in the circle of Apollyon.
Like the king without clothes, they continue to act out, cut up and pretend that they are somebodies, but the charisma has left them.
They have been exposed for what they are, charlatans.
The knowledge by the generality that these actors are charlatans, advancing causes which have long been discredited, which advance European brigandage and resource expropriation, is the basis on which a new Africa is already laying its foundation.
The idea that Job Sikhala languishes in a jailhouse for over a year without trial, that the Gold Mafia show their faces in the streets with equanimity, and the looting of sovereign wealth continues in daylight is alright, is entertainment for jesters.
The fact that the police can ban 100 CCC meetings and chase attendees at a pre-arranged meeting under the guise of “overtime” proves that these stalwarts are losing sleep over the winds of change.
Prior to the internet, only scholars had knowledge of the rape of Africa. As students at the university in 1961, we had a shadowy idea that the Belgians, prompted by the US president General Dwight Eisenhower had something to do with the murder of Congo’s prime minister Patrice Lumumba.
Nor were we aware that the French in West Africa were brigands and looters of the highest order. Now through social media, every high school child is aware that the French have been looting gold, diamonds, and lithium from Niger while that country remains the poorest country in the world.
A new Africa is in the wind.
Seme believed that education (the pen of truth) will bring Africa’s claim to her glorious past and future to pass. Seme did not realise (and had not accoutered) the power of the cell phone.
Here are some strange facts. African leaders have never been bribed by money. Congo’s Mobutu Seso Seko donated a USD30 million diamond to Vice President Richard Nixon in 1960. When an African leader is invited by a Western leader and entertained at the White House, that recognition, to a man overwhelmed by inferiority complex is the bribe.
Recently, the US and France are preparing the invasion of Chad to protect “their interests”. Again, social media has exposed the charade behind these policies. These two countries had “interests” in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Libya. Suppose these victims reverse the proposition and say that they have interests in the oil fields in Alaska and Texas.
Africa is awake. Enough is enough.
The question is being asked all over Africa. In whose interests do African rulers govern? In Zimbabwe, please do not fool yourself. Questions are being asked. To what purpose were the 20 000 saints and innocents in Matabeleland slaughtered? Who benefited from the US$15 billion diamond scoop in Chiadzwa? Mthuli Ncube’s priority is to satisfy the vultures at the World Bank. The hospitals are dilapidated and falling apart. Does this brother answer to the World Bank or the people of Zimbabwe?
Questions are being asked. Enough is enough.
Rejoice. Before there is an awakening, first there must be widespread knowledge. Social media and the cell phone have played an indispensable role in spreading this knowledge.
Social media has made it impossible to hide what was previously regarded as clandestine activities by governments.
Apart from Belgium, there is no country which has wickedly practiced brigandage and looting as have been the French in Africa. At independence in 1960, France retained military control, financial affairs and foreign policies and minerals of the former Franch colonies.
The most dastardly practice was that all French colonies were to submit their revenues to France, including a levy aptly named “perpetuation of colonial occupation.” These colonies then “borrowed” their own money from France but did not share in the dividends earned on the European markets where their revenues had been invested. The rehabilitation of Lake Chad (which is drying up) was rejected as non-priority by France. Orrono Mining Company has a monopoly of all Niger’s minerals.
Bukina Faso, Mali, Chad, and Algeria, all of which suffered grievously from French “civilizado” have ganged up with Niger to expel both the French and their US allies.
Africa is awake. Rejoice. The election in Zimbabwe is the first being held under the overwhelming scrutiny of social media.
Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwe patriot. He writes from the US. He can be reached at mufukaken@gmail.com.