My Dear People
The furore that has erupted from the shock of the dispensation of darkness, poverty and confusion to the damning report by the Sadc observer mission over the farcical harmonised elections has shown that the clueless regime is in sixes and sevens.
The Sadc observer mission exposed in its report that the elections, characterised by the delayed delivery of ballots that resulted in some voting in the dark of night and the arrest of more than 40 election observers among other shenanigans, had fallen short of the requirements of the constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act and Sadc principles governing democratic elections.
The departure by the Sadc body from the normal rubberstamping of elections has resulted in turmoil with attacks and threats aimed at the head of the Sadc observer mission Never Mumba by the rattled Lacoste cabal with the state media even insinuating that the former Zambian vice president has mental problems. Munopenga!!!
However, to its credit, the observer mission has been unfazed by the infantile attacks by the Ngwena regime and have refused to back down pointing out that the report was not done by Mumba alone, but also by observers drawn from Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia who were deployed across the length and breadth of the country during the polls.
It also called the attacks on Mumba “crude, scurrilous and misleading.”
The regime has seemingly noticed that unlike the country’s citizens whose rights they trample upon daily, the Sadc observer mission will not accept being treated like recalcitrant school kids by a government desperate for the validation of the shameful charade which were disguised as elections.
It is not surprising that the disgraceful conduct of the country’s elections that even raised concerns of the United Nations especially over the issues of voter intimidation and threats of violence, did not concern some of the individuals who contested for the presidential elections.
- Letters: Is Zim ready for elections?
- Mnangagwa, Chamisa must be stopped for Zim to win
- Zec analogous to a midwife
- Elections won’t change anything as long as leaders are not held accountable
Keep Reading
These individuals have conceded with haste as they called for the country to forge ahead and said they were putting the election behind them.
What led to these individuals to concede before even the results of a visibly sham election were announced? One would ask.
The answer of course was revealed by the state media, which told us that the gathering of political nonentities otherwise known as the Political Actors Dialogue (Polad) will continue to exist.
The likes of Trust and Lovemore, who got less votes nationally than most members of Parliament got from their constituencies, can hardly wait to once again be part of this grouping to get their grubby hands on trinkets such as vehicles handed out by Ngwena as reward for making the octogenarian leader feel good as they pretend to bring something meaningful to the table.
By participating in the presidential elections and conceding almost immediately, they have guaranteed themselves another five years of running out of superlatives as they tour Ngwena’s fish pond at his farm and receiving allowances for attending meetings and making recommendations, which will be totally ignored by the Lacoste cabal.
Sadly, taxpayers’ money is once again going to be wasted funding this useless gatherings of presidential candidates, most of whom garnered less than 1% of the vote.
What even makes it more galling is that all this money will go down the drain just to give a picture of the magnanimity of the Lacoste leader.
Such is the tragedy of this lot getting another five-year term.
Every cloud has a silver lining, as the saying goes and it is true even with this circus of an election.
As a result of these polls, the MDC-T led by Dougie Mwonzora has been totally eviscerated with no presence whatsoever in Parliament.
The party members who were brave or foolish enough to contest these elections failed to get 1000 votes, a damning indictment of the party’s irrelevance in the country’s body politic.
How ironic that Thokozani Khupe who was kicked out of the party’s leadership after losing to Mwonzora, is now a senator in Parliament as Dougie is left wallowing in the political wilderness.
It will be the first time since 1999 that there will be no representation of the MDC brand in Parliament, an indication of just how Mwonzora has destroyed the party.
Given his addiction to recall parliamentarians and councillors, the bespectacled fellow will suffer from withdrawal (no pun intended) symptoms and will probably now expend those energies by recalling members of his own party within the confines of Harvest House kkkk.
That he has now been reduced to calling for dialogue at press conferences calling for dialogue despite having taken control of the party headquarters and had access to the funding from the state, is a reflection of the rapid downfall of Mwonzora from the powerful position of secretary general of the then Morgan Tsvangirai-led MDCT to join the likes of perennial election loser Egypt Dzinemunhenzva on the political scrapheap.
I suggest Dougie starts offering lessons on how to kill a vibrant opposition party and he can huge amounts of money from the Lacoste cabal, which invests so much in silencing its critics.
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)