My Dear People
Ngwena’s cabinet, which was greeted by outrage and ridicule in equal proportion, is almost as bad, if not worse than the disgraceful charade that was disguised as elections that have been rejected even by the regional body Sadc.
The cabinet is a mishmash of corrupt, foul mouthed and outright incompetent individuals.
I, the good doctor, like many others countrywide, was left desolate and gob smacked at not only the selection of such an uninspiring cabinet, but also the brazen nepotism of foisting his son Kuda to the ministry of Finance and nephew Tongai to the Tourism ministry.
Just when you thought the cabinet of the last five years was the worst it could ever get, Ngwena has proved that there are still new lows he can still plummet to.
The promotion of the foul mouthed Chirumanzu legislator Barbra to Tourism minister is shocking and a continued reflection of Ngwena’s atrocious lack of judgment.
To have a woman who calls police officers dogs for doing their job as the face of the country’s tourism drive, is a damning indictment of the cabal regime and makes a mockery of its claim of being open for business.
To retain the nutty professor Mthuli as Finance minister after superintending over horrendous levels of inflation of more than 800% and trying to obfuscate inflation figures by blending prices in local and hard currency as well as entrenching poverty through the haphazard introduction of the local currency speaks to a leader not fit for purpose.
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To retain Monica and shunt her to the Women’s Affairs ministry after looking like a rabbit caught in headlights when she was interviewed on South African television by professional journalists and not the lickspittle media hacks at Pockets Hill, also exposes Ngwena’s politics of patronage at the expense of competence.
When all is said and done this cabinet selection is an unmitigated disaster, a real dog’s breakfast.
The selection of Ngwena’s son and nephew into government shows that the Lacoste gang leader is now turning the regime into a family affair.
This comes shortly after he capped his wife Auxilia for an honorary degree at the University of Zimbabwe graduation for her so called philanthropic activities.
This is over and above the several awards also bestowed at the behest of the octogenarian leader. Munopenga!!!
The so called second reprubric has embarrassingly become a hotspot of nepotism and cronyism.
I cringed when I read that Kuda said he was shocked at his appointment to the ministry of Finance.
This, of course, is balderdash.
I am sure the appointment was discussed well beforehand as the Ngwena family were probably having a sumptuous dinner or while taking a stroll around the fishpond at the Lacoste leader’s farm.
These shameful appointments have turned government business into a circus only short of trapeze artists to complete the set and have also seriously devalued national institutions in the process.
The selection of ministers also exposed the alarming levels of sloppiness that permeates through Munhumutapa building.
Ngwena was forced to revoke the appointments of Paradza who had been appointed Environment deputy minister and Matsikenyere who had been appointed Manicaland Provincial Affairs minister.
This was a result of the excitable Ngwena appointing nine ministers who are not legislators instead of seven allowed by the constitution.
What makes this error baffling and worrying is that it is not the first time that the excitable Ngwena has exceeded the limit of the number of legislators he can appoint.
In 2017, after being barreled into power on the back of guns and tanks, he made a similar error appointing more than the then constitutionally allowed five non-legislators into cabinet which led him to revoke, among others, the appointment of Chris Mutsvangwa as Information minister.
The repetition of such glaring errors is mindboggling as it is being done by a leader who has a degree in law .
One wonders whether it is being punch drunk on power or the setting in of senility that is the cause of such elementary mistakes by the leader of the Lacoste cabal.
With such shortcomings , it becomes crystal clear why Gushungo baulked at having Ngwena as his successor.
The dropping of charges against the Citizens Coalition of Change Sunningdale legislator Maureen Kademaunga on charges of attempted murder and destruction of property due to lack of evidence once again shows the disgraceful incompetence of the country’s police force.
When it comes to members of the opposition the police arrest to investigate instead of investigating to arrest.
That this is coming on the heels of police commanders having to issue orders to officers to allow the opposition party to hold rallies during the campaign period leading to the fraudulent elections last month clearly shows that the country’s police force has been turned into Zanu PF commissars and activists.
Such biased application of the law by the Zimbabwe Republic Police is symptomatic of a banana republic that the country has become since Ngwena set foot into office.
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)