My Dear People
The past week, as you my good readers will understand, has been special for me as it was the commemoration of the birthday of that towering fountain of wisdom, Gushungo.
Indeed, as every year, it was a time to reflect on what an iconic figure he was.
He was undoubtedly one of the continent’s best leaders. I fondly miss the annual birthday celebrations, which were something to behold.
The birthday cakes for Gushungo were so huge that the villagers in the area where the celebrations would have been held, would all be able to grab a crumb or two of the cake.
One, of course, cannot also help, during these commemorations, to despair of the impoverished leadership that has succeeded the telescopic foresighted Gushungo.
The difference in leadership between the wisdom imbued Gushungo and Scarfmore is like night and day.
Whereby Gushungo was resolute in any stance he has taken, Scarfmore has been like a headless chicken with leadership mired in chaos and confusion.
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- Letter to my people: From leading railing firm to borehole drilling
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Keep Reading
Ngwena introduced the Zimbabwe dollar and banned the multicurrency regime in 2019, but within a year had sunk back to the multicurrency regime as inflation shot through the roof.
In 2018 he banned moneychangers, but ever since then they have actually multiplied.
The octogenarian bizarrely banned banks from their core function of lending as he ran out of ideas of how to contain the economic crisis, which only worsened the situation before hurriedly reversing the preposterous ban.
Scarfmore has also made decisions that were brazenly unconstitutional before being forced to backtrack on them, something Gushungo would have never done.
The appointment of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces commander General Valerio Sibanda into the Zanu PF politburo is an embarrassing case in point.
I would need to write a book to adequately chronicle Scarfmore’s shortcomings and why it is almost an insult to compare his leadership to that of Gushungo.
This is what Gushungo meant when he said that there was no one in the party that was capable of succeeding him.
I am sure that as Zimbabweans continue to suffer under Ngwena’s wayward leadership, they sorely regret ever celebrating Gushungo’s illegal ouster in that dark year of 2017.
I see that Scarfmore is trying to lay the groundwork for a devious campaign for an unconstitutional third term in office.
The campaign was started by his tribesmen in Masvingo who have crafted a slogan alleging that their cabal leader will still be in power come 2030.
He clearly didn’t learn anything from Gushungo despite being his lieutenant for over three decades until that great betrayal in 2017.
Zimbabweans have grown much wiser. Any attempt to push for an unpopular third term will end in tears. Mark my words!
The Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (Zupco) have revealed that it is terminating all contracts with urban transporters after its disastrous performance when it was ridiculously given the monopoly of public transport in what was yet another one of the harebrained ideas of the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion.
The one or two individuals interviewed by one state rag more or less said they would miss the Zupco transportation service, which they said was convenient.
One wonders whether this was a case of the author of the piece manufacturing these quotes kkkkk.
For most of the country’s citizens, the termination of the Zupco monopoly was good riddance to bad rubbish.
The incompetence and inefficient transport system by the state entity caused far more suffering than convenience.
The long snaking queues of people rushing to work or going back home had become the order of the day as well the undignified scenes of rowdy touts grabbing the backsides of women as they pushed them through the windows of buses in their desperate bid to beat the long queues and get home.
And God forbid if there was a national event as commuters would be left stranded as the Zupco buses were diverted to ferry crowds to these events.
Though the monopoly was meant to reduce the spread of Covid-19, it ended up being a source of actually spreading the virus as commuters jostled and squeezed against each other in overcrowded Zupco buses.
All in all, it was an unmitigated disaster and most of the country’s citizens will not miss it.
The remarks by the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Welshman Ncube surely raised eyebrows.
In an interview Ncube pointed out that one cannot run an “authoritarian, autocratic and theocratic opposition” and then expect people to believe that “once you’re in power you’ll no longer believe in autocracy, theocracy and authoritarians”.
This was in apparent reference to Nero who quit the party after the scandalous imposition of the clown Sengezo Tshabangu, who has recalled the party’s parliamentarians and councilors before foisting himself in the senate.
The remarks by such a senior party member show that the problems that were manifest in the party before the Tshabangu madness.
Ncube’s remarks in addition to the outrageous recalls by a self-imposed dimwit should be a wakeup call to Nero and his leadership style in any party or grouping he is going to lead.
It reeks of double standards for Nero to criticize Scarfmore and co for not adhering to the country’s constitution when his own party does not even have a constitution and is guided by something as vague as “strategic ambiguity”.
Food for thought for Nero as he trawls through the treacherous waters of Zimbabwe’s politics.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)