My Dear People
THE farcical charade over the push for Scarfmore to bludgeon the constitution in order for him to increase his term of hopelessly incompetent leadership to 2030 has caused pandemonium and turmoil in the beleaguered Zanu PF party.
Such has been the furore that Scarfmore has once again been forced to repeat that he will step down in 2028 as per the constitution.
The octogenarian said he was a trained lawyer and he followed the Constitution “to the letter.
It left your good doctor in stitches. Where was this trained lawyer when he wanted to butcher the constitution by appointing a whole commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Valerio Sibanda, into the Zanu PF politburo which in violation to the supreme law of the country that prohibits members of the armed forces from dabbling into politics?
Where indeed has been this trained lawyer when his regime stops the country’s citizens from demonstrating, which is a right enshrined in the very constitution he purports to follow to the letter?
What stinking hypocrisy!!! We know that he is one behind those fake endorsements and he thinks his public posturing on the term limits will fool us.
In surprisingly sober and candid remarks from one in Zanu PF, the party commissar Munyaradzi Machacha warned that the focus should be delivery of the promises made by the Lacoste cabal otherwise they risked being rejected by the country’s citizens in the next polls scheduled for 2028.
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I do hope that Scarfmore’s latest declaration that he will not extend his term of office, characterised by currency volatility, ncreased impoverishment, prolonged power outages and unprecedented levels of repression, will stop the 2030 circus.
The repressive nature of the Scarfmore regime in which scores of civil rights activists and opposition party members have been tortured and jailed has come to the fore.
This is in a desperate bid to avoid demonstrations during the Sadc snoozefest where Scarfmore will take over chairmanship of the organisation for a year.
In typical Scarfmore fashion, the crackdown has diverted attention from his taking over the chairmanship to the vicious crackdown that has attracted global censure.
Instead of Scarfmore’s chairmanship over the regional body being the core focus, the focus is now on calls for the summit to be moved away from the country due to the abominable trampling of human rights.
Ridiculous propaganda that the scarfed one’s chairmanship will boost Sadc has been drowned out by a loud chorus of calls, far and wide, to bring the Scarfmore regime to order over its brutal assault on civil activists and members of the opposition.
What was supposed to be Scarfmore’s crowning moment has turned into a nightmare as his regime is now embroiled in firefighting the torrent of criticism as a result of a crackdown driven by fear and an acute level of paranoia.
Indeed no one quite does own goals like Ngwena.
Not that Sadc leaders will give a hoot as shown in how it focuses on calls for Zimbabwe to be removed from sanctions while keeping mum on the alarming levels of repression on the country’s citizens by the Lacoste regime.
One needs to look no further than the outgoing Sadc chairperson and Angolan President Joao Laurenco calling last year’s farcical elections held in the country “exemplary”. Munopenga!!!
This is despite the regional body’s electoral observer mission’s strident criticism of the polls which pointed out that the sham elections failed dismally to meet the basic Sadc benchmarks on elections.
With Scarfmore taking over the chairmanship of this incompetent grouping, one can expect any remaining standards at the regional grouping to rapidly go down the gutter.
The desperation by the Douglas Mwonzora led MDC to remain relevant in the country’s political discourse is pitiful as it is up roaringly hilarious.
The party, which has been consigned to the scrapheap of Zimbabwean politics, trotted out an individual wearing a T-shirt with Mwonzora’s mug who could barely stand let alone speak expressing his support for the bespectacled leader.
The poor guy needed instructions from whoever was taking the video to come up with incoherent sentences that were meant to be an endorsement of some sort for Mwonzora.
It just shows how the stock of Mwonzora and his party has sunk that they needed to trot out a youth who was either drunk or high on drugs to endorse it.
It seems the Mwonzora-led party are failing to come to terms with its irrelevance to the country’s politics since they were eviscerated in the 2022 by elections and last years’ polls to the extent of dismally failing to garner a single seat.
The sooner Mwonzora and co realise that they are a nonentity, it would spare us from such embarrassing spectacles.
The Lacoste regime has, as is the norm, said they are putting in place measures to address the skyrocketing prices of goods and services as well as the weakening of the country’s latest currency, the Zimbabwe Gold(Zig) which was only launched in April this year.
That the regime is already fighting to save this new currency is indicative of the ruinous leadership of the Scarfmore cabal.
It is little wonder why the prospect of an extended term of office by the scarfed one has brought about such a vociferous outcry.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)