My Dear People
The Sadc snooze fest has thankfully come to an end which had no shortage of hyperbole and just outright nonsense. After the assumption of the Sadc chairmanship by the scarfed one, we have been subjected to embarrassing levels of bootlicking and backslapping.
To kick off the jamboree of effusive praise and congratulations was chief secretary and Scarfmore’s relative, Martin Rushwaya who gushed that the assumption of the Sadc chairmanship by the octogenarian “carries the hopes of Sadc”.
How on earth can Scarfmore,who has shattered the hopes of a nation through a failed currency, prolonged power outages that has brought industry to its knees and entrenched poverty among the country’s citizens then carry the hopes of the whole Sadc region?.
We understand that Rushwaya is overjoyed that his relative is now the Sadc chairman, but he should dial down on the levels of exaggerated hogwash he spews in his celebration of what is, it must be remembered, just a rotational position.
Then we had the state media celebrating that the just ended summit was attended by more heads of state than any other held previously.
Talking about majoring in the minor!!! It makes no difference how many heads of state attend a summit.
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After all those heads of state who do not attend, send representatives who are just as relevant to the heads of state who attend the snooze fest.
Not to be outdone in the stakes of embarrassingly inflated praise was Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi during a tour of Scarfmore’s farm in Kwekwe while in the country for the Sadc summit.
The Botswana leader went into overdrive in flattering the Lacoste leader calling his farm ‘Garden of Eden’ What fatuous claptrap!
The Sadc summit held in the country also drove home just how toothless this regional body is.
The summit as usual trotted out the usual call for the removal of sanctions, but totally ignored the vicious clampdown on members of the opposition and civil rights activists by the Scarfmore regime in which some have been severely tortured.
That Sadc has remained mum on the clampdown that occurred under their nose and has been even condemned by the United Nations is indicative of the impotence of this grouping. It has all but overlooked the report by its own observer mission on the fraudulent elections in Zimbabwe last year.
This was surely an eye opener for former Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nero who had planned to go to this useless regional body with his grievances over the Scarfmore regime’s lack of appetite for respecting human rights. It will only be an exercise in futility for the youthful leader.
It is the hopelessly incompetent Sadc that gives the likes of Zanu PF motormouth Chris Mutsvangwa the impetus to declare that those who had been detained can now be released as the Sadc summit has ended in a showing of the middle finger to the country’s constitution.
With Scarfmore as chairman, the regional body’s ineffectiveness can only get worse .
The threat by author and scholar Ibbo Mandaza to expose Nero if he does not leave politics is shameful for a man of his standing.
Mandaza was apparently not happy with Nero repeating what has become his slogan ‘God is in it” when asked the way forward to taking on the regime of the scarfed one.
There is no problem with one criticizing Nero for becoming a sloganeering X leader instead of being more active in the fight against the probity deficient Scarfmore. It is his right after all.
However, it becomes a problem when Ibbo threatens the youthful leader to leave politics and accuse him of “demobilising the masses’.
What has Ibbo done for the so called demobilised masses except call for a National Transitional Arrangement in vain?
It is ironic that Mandaza who did not contest for any position in last year’s election wants to force Nero, who by the way received more than two million votes, out of politics through blackmail.
If Mandaza is so peeved by Nero’s ineffectiveness he could take up the reins and throw his hat in the ring than issue threats, which makes him no better than the coup cabal he criticises.
It is not Nero’s fault that after setting up CCC and getting more than 70 parliamentary seats, some buffoon declared himself the party’s secretary general and with the help of the Scarfmore regime, recalled parliamentarians and councilors of the opposition party.
Mandaza should instead focus his ire on the Scarfmore regime who have short changed Zimbabweans by foisting opportunists and pliable idiots as the country’s opposition rather vent his frustrations by threatening Nero out of politics.
The Revers… Oops sorry.. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe was forced to beat a hasty retreat to a suggestion by one of its deputy directors, one William Mamhimanzi, to fleece the country’s citizens who receive forex from the Diaspora by taking the forex they receive in exchange for the useless funny money Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), which is rapidly depreciating in value.
Unsurprisingly this preposterous suggestion by Mamhimanzi received short shrift from the country’s citizens who have at the receiving end of the ever bungling institution based at 80 Samora Machel Avenue.
The suggestion follows recent revelations by Foreign Affairs minister Frederick Shava he is in talks with the RBZ to set up investment instruments so that Zimbabwean in the Diaspora send their money to such facilities with the benefits of such then sent to their loved ones. Munopenga!!!
With Diaspora remittances being a major source of forex inflows, it is clear that the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion want to find ways to get their grubby hands to this money.
The greed of the Scarfmore regime knows no bounds!!!
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)