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Mthuli has nowhere to hide with his ZiG

Finance minister Mthuli Ncube

My Dear People

The ridiculous introduction of Munhumutapa Day, which is the scarfed one’s birthday, is a pitiful and desperate attempt to give validation to Scarfmore’s leadership that has been riddled with failure.

Munhumutapa was the title given to the rulers of a powerful African Kingdom between the 15th and 18th centuries.

That the scarfed one has introduced this day, which will be commemorated annually, as a day to also mark what he calls his success as a leader, is nothing short of grotesque. 

The Munhumutapa rulers must be turning in their graves that their achievements are being likened to this embarrassing level of incompetence that has been Scarfmore’s leadership since being rocketed into power on the back of guns and tanks in 2017.

 A reign that has been characterised by increased poverty, high inflation, failed currencies, prolonged power outages that have grounded industry and endemic corruption cannot be likened to the Munhumutapa rulers in any way, shape or form.

It indeed shows the delusions of grandeur by the octogenarian.

The difference between the success enjoyed by Munhumutapa leaders and the catastrophic leadership of the Scarfmore regime could not be more stark.

 Such monumental delusions by the scarfed one might be the result of the sycophantic praise he gets from bootlickers in both the regime and the party which has completely lost direction without the wisdom imbued leadership of Gushungo.

Some of the exaggerated praise he received on his birthday which include being called a ‘living parable of hard work’ and the even more bizarre claim that even animals are happy under his leadership shows that the Scarfed one has followers similar to the ones in the fictitious book The Emperor’s New Clothes, who told the naked emperor that he was dressed resplendently.


The fallacy that the funny money known as the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) is any different from the recently discarded Zimbabwe dollar has been exposed for the nonsense that it is by Finance minister Mthuli Ncube.

He told Parliament, which has been bastardised by unelected buffoons who are disguised as opposition MPs and senators, that fuel will continue to be purchased only in United States dollars to ensure there are no fuel queues.

It obviously begs the question why the ZiG, a currency we are told is backed by tonnes of gold and millions of dollars in forex, cannot be used to buy even a litre of fuel.

Ncube then added that in future the funny money will be able to purchase fuel, though it was telling that he was careful not to give a timeline of any sort when this will happen, if at all.

It is reflective of the shameful double standards of this regime that forces most sectors to accept the funny money but exempt those in the fuel sector from doing the same.

It is probably because most of the players in that sector are the same immoral and clueless politicians who foisted this increasingly worthless currency on the country’s citizens and want to avoid being paid this funny money that rapidly loses value. What a bunch of selfish hypocrites!!!


Still on the ZiG, revelations that farmers have refused to sell their wheat to the Grain Marketing Board if the payment includes the depreciating currency, makes a mockery of the claims by the regime that the funny money would be a game changer for the economy.

 This has forced the GMB to offer payment wholly in the greenback, a humiliating climb down by the state entity.

 Scarfmore and co must learn that the citizens they govern are not imbeciles who will believe the claptrap that the ZiG is any different from the useless Zimbabwe dollar which they were forced to discard in less than five years after introducing it.

 The failing ZiG has marred an inauspicious start to the tenure of John the Second at 80 Samora Machel Avenue .


The Scarfmore regime has been waxing lyrical about the new helicopter flight service, Helidrive used to airlift patients in dire straits to public hospitals for free. 

Nineteen patients have benefited so far, we have been told by one state rag.

However, the feel good factor of this development evaporates when one is airlifted to Parirenyatwa Hospital which is well known for being a death trap due to an acute lack of basic equipment which is a damning indictment of the shocking neglect of the sector by the Scarfmore regime.

 For the patient, the free flight to Parirenyatwa, which at one stage had only one operational ambulance, must feel like jumping from the fire into the frying pan!!! 

It is reflective of the muddled thinking of the Lacoste regime which gives precedence to airlifting patients to public hospitals but then do very little, if anything to improve the parlous state of the public health sector where patients are forced to buy even their own bandages and painkillers.

That even the appointment of the country’s vice-president, Generari, as Health minister only made matters worse, as he focused on clamping down on health workers at the expense of improving the sector, is symptomatic of the hopelessly bankrupt leadership of the Scarfmore regime.

 Instead of appointing a commission to investigate opposition run councils, the octogenarian should probably take a look at the devastating consequences of his own disastrous leadership that has turned the country, with vast minerals, into a laughing stock.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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