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Democrats are trying to fool Americans about Kamala!

Kamala Harris

The allegories and stories we were taught at school were supposed to teach us something about life and the real world.

In one of the masterpieces of all time, Mark Antony addresses Brutus, a conspirator who has just taken part in the murder of Julius Caesar, his friend.

Antony addresses Brutus in brutal fashion. “Men at times are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

Thus Kamala Harris, vice-president to Joe Biden (2021-2024) conspired to keep the knowledge that Biden was senile, not pungent, nor cogent and that he could not be raised from his slumber on any day of the week before 9 am of the clock.

Now that Kamala, former president Barak Obama and former speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi  successfully threw a dagger in the back of poor Biden, they are faced with making Kamala a new Obama and a “Sister” to boot.

The mother of all lies.

Kamala Harris had failed miserably to get even one vote for her bid for president in the California primaries, 2020.

Now that she was the anointed one, and sensing that the bed-rock of the Democratic Party lay in the black community, the first order of business was to make her black, or simply put, a sister (sister means black woman).

But how this was to be done has remained a problem. As attorney-general in California, she rejoiced in throwing black men into jailhouses — that laugh of a hyena haunts many a young black man as she laughed at their predicament.

With only 10 weeks before the election, and the Democratic Party being the brainy party, they might get away with it.

Kamala is of Asian-Indian origin.

A Supreme Court ruling of 1923 defined Indian Asians as Caucasian, but not white.

Asians, as a whole, who have migrated into the US, come in as businessmen or under H-I visa, specifying special skills.

They are quick to distance themselves from African Americans and there are tensions between the two races.

In her book, The Truths We Hold (2019) Kamala attempts to blacken herself, by misrepresenting a Negro nanny who had worked for her family in Jamaica as her grandmother.

Sister Candace Owens and Donald Trump have exposed her attempt to blacken herself.

In her primary campaign in 2019, she had scolded Biden for supporting segregation and condemning school busing.

 “I was that little girl who integrated our school in 1968.” Her school, Thousand Oaks Elementary was already integrated, and in any case, she was already in a wealthy neighbourhood as her father was a professor at the local university.

More to the point, California integrated the educational system in 1947, well ahead of the 1954 Brown versus Board of Education ruling by the Supreme Court (1954).

Time is not on her side.

“Some people are saying that you are not black.” A captured journalist suggests in a friendly manner.

“Well, you want to revisit that. You want to go over the one drop rule. How it affects what you can be and what has been in your dreams…and what you can be.”

She mumbles endlessly, trying to capture some Obamaspeak words.

The One-Drop rule came from an Arkansas Law, 1911 that said that anybody with one drop of black blood was black.

 Kamala’s mother was an Indian and her father was a wealthy professor, of Irish slave holding class in St. Anne’s parish in Jamaica.

The longer the campaign drags on, the more she embarrasses herself.

While black women influencers like Ms Oprah Winfrey and Joy Reed have been compensated to bulldoze that gospel into the black people, black men and some pastors are refusing to be railroaded.

She believes in nothing!

One cannot accuse Democrats of failing to have an ideology. The problem is that they are committed to stupid ideas which have long been proved to be worse than useless.

The only commitment Kamala has is the unfettered right of a woman to abortion under every green tree, at any time, whether at the time of gestation or at a time when a child is called a “preemie” (early born).

In other areas, she believes in same sex marriage, gender affirmation, trans-gender medical and trans-human affixations (whatever that means).

Her economic policies are woolly. She will “invest in the middle class…small businesses are the back bone of American life… the rich must pay their fair share of taxes…if you invest in the middle class, an opportunity economy (sic), I will invest $25 000 for first time home buyers.”

She speaks in this mumbo jumbo nonsense style pretending to be an Obama. Democrats have been in power during the last 12 years.

Every four years they repeat the nonsense about the rich not paying fair taxes. Of course, businessmen do not pay taxes. Businesses (not the businessman) pay taxes after deducting business expenses.

Elon Musk does not have a monthly salary and therefore need not pay individual tax. He does not own a car either and is driven around. The more she talks, the more nonsense comes out of her mouth.

Even in foreign policy she is lights out. Yesterday, she issued a statement, with Biden, that: “Be assured that the US will always support the right of Israel to exist.”

 French president Emmanuel Macron had asked whether the US and the European Union can ask for a ceasefire while supplying arms to Israel to kill Arabs.

Democrats are trying to throw a blanket over American voters, as they did in the Biden case.

 *Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes from the US. He can be reached at mufukaken@gmail.com

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