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Ritual has exposed Zanu PF’s widening rifts

President Emmerson Mnangagwa

My Dear People

The only tangible take away from that Zanu PF’s ritual, which they claim to be a people’s conference, was that the ruining party is deeply divided.

Some people that were perceived to be supporters of the Generari were thrown out of the conference venue in a clear sign that battle lines have been drawn.

On the eve of the conference, premises of two senior party members in Harare who had been vocal about the 20230 nonsense were petrol bombed.

There is a lot happening behind the scenes and as the Lacoste gang used to say in the days leading to the cowardly coup  against Gushungo; Magumo kune nyaya.

There shall be gnashing of teeth. Kikikikikikikiki

The comedic annual commemoration of the Anti-Sanctions Day was held last Friday with the usual claptrap by the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion which takes the day to hide behind the finger of the restrictions as the reason for its numerous abysmal failures.

The anti-sanctions day, which is commemorated on October 25 annually, is a brainchild of the toothless regional body Sadc against the sanctions imposed on the country by the United States of America namely the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (Zidera) in 2001 over human rights violations. 

Although the Scarfmore regime wails day and night about the devastating impact of the sanctions, it has not stopped them from buying top-of-the-range cars for chiefs annually nor has it stopped them from splurging millions of dollars in the greenback on useless projects such as building VVIP airport pavilions and villas for a two-day Sadc summit.

The cabal regime, of course, will not mention how corruption, which has multiplied several times over  ever since Scarfmore was rocketed into power by guns and tanks in 2017, has bled the country of millions of dollars. 

 Numerous revelations by the auditor general every year about the shocking levels of malfeasance in the corridors of government offices which include non-delivery of goods which have been paid for, non-acquittal of travel and subsistence allowances, inadequate controls on fuel management, non-performance of bank reconciliations and non-compliance with tax laws and regulations, have been ignored by the regime of the scarfed one. 

As the regime organises marches and useless signing of petitions as well as the mutterings of hot air by the scarfed one to mark the day against sanctions, the revelation by the prosecutor general Loice Matanda Moyo that the country loses  US$1,8 billion every year through looting is a stark reminder of where the main cause of the country’s ills lie.


 Still on the day against sanctions, Health minister Douglas Mombeshora has bemoaned the impact of sanctions which he says has hampered his ministry’s ability to provide basic equipment for public hospitals.

It is hard to believe that this was the same individual who recently fed us the hogwash that public hospitals will soon have air ambulances and helipads, who is now moaning about failure to provide basic equipment at public health institutions.

It is ironic that as Mombeshora decries the parlous state of the health sector as a result of sanctions, the Scarfmore regime cannot even be bothered to allocate 15% of the fiscus to the health sector as agreed by African governments at a conference in Abuja Nigeria.

The buffoonery of this so-called second repubric beggars belief.


Back to the annual  Zanu Pf snoozefest. It was held at  a time the country is facing a multi-faceted crisis that is characterized by a failing  local currency, power outages and increasing levels  of poverty, the focus was on  ensuring that the scarfed one, whose leadership has been a monumental disaster, stays beyond his constitutional term limit of 2028.

It is a reflection of the bankrupt leadership that despite Scarfmore having four more years at the helm, the push at this conference is to extend his vapid leadership to 2030 amid economic and social turmoil in the country.

 There is even a group that pledges allegiance to Generari that has warned against an attempt to increase Scarfmore’s stay in office.

This clearly shows that this cabal is only interested in power that will enable them to  go on an orgy of looting and swell their pockets at the expense of the country’s citizens who bear the brunt of this rotten leadership. 

As the Zanu PF conference got underway, it is telling that Scarfmore was talking about sellouts in the party which of course refers to those in the party who are tired of his impoverished leadership. 

We have even had Scarfmore ally Owen Ncube bizarrely cursing the mother of an individual who is opposed to the extension of Scarfmore’s term of office.

All in all, those who think that this conference would proffer solutions to the country’s numerous problems will be sorely disappointed.

It just goes to show how the party has completely lost direction without the infallible wisdom of Gushungo who was disgracefully pushed out by these power hungry goons who could not even arrange a piss up in a brewery!!!  


The scarfed one continues to show that, despite being propelled into power by army tanks and guns, he is clearly out of his depth.

This has ranged from failing to observe basic constitutional requirements as evidenced by trying to smuggle a whole commander of the army into the Zanu PF politburo, which is against the supreme law of the land, which he surprisingly says he helped author, to making bizarre pronouncements such as banning banks from their core business of lending which sent the market into chaos.

However, his latest faux pas will take some beating after he congratulated ruling  Frelimo candidate Daniel Chapo for their resounding victory before the results had been announced by the Mozambique Electoral Commission!! 

Whether this is a sign of increasing levels of senility or just being excited with being the Sadc chairperson,  Scarfmore has proved to be an embarrassment to the country and an unworthy successor to the tried and tested fountain of wisdom, that was  Gushungo.


Stop It!

 Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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