My Dear People
As I write this missive to you, I do so with a lot of anger at the attempt to besmirch Gushungo’s legacy by some frivolous village head.
This charlatan who goes by the name Manongovere has the cheek of trying to sully the final resting place of Gushungo, the telescopically foresighted icon by pushing for him to be reburied at the Heroes Acre. Hehehehede!!!!
Over my dead body! The sacred grave of the wisdom-imbued Gushungo cannot be desecrated by some clown looking for 15 minutes of fame.
One cannot help, but wonder if this bonehead is a front for members of the cabal who are still miffed at Baba’s refusal to be interred at the Heroes Acre.
It has all the fingerprints of the coup regime who had wanted the burial of Gushungo at Heroes Acre as a platform to feign fake affection to all and sundry for a man they disgracefully removed from power through guns and tanks.
It would have been stinking hypocrisy for those who forcefully removed probably the best leader this country or even continent has ever had to be at the forefront crying crocodile tears (no pun intended) over Gushungo at the Heroes Acre, which has since lost its gloss since the catapulting of the Scarfed One into power.
To whoever is behind those shenanigans, I say Stop It!!!!
- Letter to my people: Don’t read much into the handshake
- Letter to my people: From leading railing firm to borehole drilling
- Letter to my people: Parading clowns, ‘billionaires’ at State House
- Letter to my people: ‘Walking gracefully’: Introducing Dr Amai II
Keep Reading
The Scarfmore regime last week held their last cabinet meeting in which delusion was in no short supply.
During the meeting the scarfed one incredibly called their performance this year a success.
It takes quite a wild leap into the realms of fantasy for Scarfmore to describe the year as a successful one amid carnage wrecked across the length and breadth of the country by the introduction of the funny money known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) in April this year.
The ZiG, launched amid pomp and fanfare, we were told, was backed by tonnes of gold and millions of dollars in forex and would bring about stability and predictability.
However, in October as the gold mineral’s price shot up on the global market, the ZiG was in such a sharp downward spiral that by October the funny money had been officially devalued by more than 40% leaving Zimbabweans, who were in possession of this fake currency, poorer.
It is laughable that the ZiG has failed dismally to bring about any stability despite Gestapo tactics by this dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion to enforce the use of the funny money which included the harebrained move to lock up money changers.
For Scarfmore to call the year a success after the country’s citizens endured prolonged power cuts of up to 18 hours daily, crippling businesses in the process, is a clear testament that the octogenarian is living in cloud cuckoo land.
It is hogwash on an industrial scale for the scarfed one to call the year a success at a time foreign owned businesses such as regional retail giant Choppies have exited the country due to a toxic operating environment that includes imposed thumb suck exchange rates that defy market logic.
With such bankrupt leadership, it is little wonder why the country remains an economic backwater and an acute embarrassment to the region as a whole.
We were also told that the most important decision made by that last cabinet meeting of the year was to rename the Mbudzi interchange, which is still under construction, into Trablabas interchange.
They claim that was Ngwena’s nom de guerre.
The man’s liberation war credentials are as clear as mud and we don’t even know whether it is true that Trabablas was his assumed name at that time.
However, we want to applaud those bootlickers who thought about renaming an edifice to help us to remember how incompetent and corrupt this cabal has been in the seven years they have been in power.
The cost of the construction of the Mbudzi interchange was inflated, the contracts were given to cronies without going to tender, completion of the project has been delayed by several months, evidence of poor workmanship abounds and there are many other shenanigans that are happening in that project, which we will not mention for now.
You will realise many years from now why I am saying renaming it to Trabablas was a stroke of genius!
Finance minister Mthuli Ncube has promised to splash the cash for members of the corrupted Parliament with generous travel and vehicle allowances, among other inducements.
The reason for this, of course, is for the members of parliament to pass his budget which was about fleecing the burdened citizens of the country right down to the pizzas and fried chips they consume at fast food outlets.
He will not have forgotten how he was blackmailed by these parliamentarians to pass his previous budget, most of whom, as pointed out by speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda, struggle to put together any coherent debate or even stay awake.
I am sure that just as the authenticity of my PhD attained in record time, the parliamentarians will be wide awake this time around to pass this budget spurred by the allowances they have been offered.
It is, however, ironic that Ncube has made such a massive financial outlay for parliamentarians shortly after Finance permanent secretary George Guvamatanga told government ministries and departments to tighten their belts amid the slashing of fuel allowances among other cost cutting measures.
It is almost as if the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.
Such is the mixed messaging and outright confusion that characterises the so-called second repubric.
The ridiculous debate over the extension of the term of the inept Scarfmore to beyond his constitutionally mandated term limit of 2028 continues to rage on with the ruining party Zanu PF holding a press conference last week to discuss the divisions created by this push.
That there is a vicious fight over the extension of Scarfmore’s thoroughly incompetent leadership when the leader of the cabal regime has indicated that he has no interest in extending his term of office, is an indication of the circus the party has become without the guidance of Gushungo and his telescopic wisdom.
Indeed the party has completely lost direction and is mired in chaos under the leadership of the probity deficient Scarfmore.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)