My Dear People
I have watched with increasing hilarity how those in Zanu PF ,who are pushing to extend the tenure of the woefully incompetent Scarfmore beyond the constitutionally mandated second term which ends in 2028 to 2030, are reeling from the unintended consequence of party members savagely attacking the octogenarian.
The push for the Scarfed One to remain in office beyond his term limit has instead sparked calls by some party members, particularly war veterans, for the leader of the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion to step down even before his current term ends due to unprecedented levels of corruption and a catastrophic economic collapse.
There have even been calls for Generari to take over from the Lacoste leader with some who bellow in support for the 2030 project by day, expressing disquiet over the same by night.
Among those frothing at the mouth at the strident criticism of Scarfmore is Zanu PF womens’ league boss Mabel Chinomona.
In her recent tirade against the stinging criticism of her boss she incredibly asked delegates at a meeting for the national executive of the womens’ league whether they had ever lived in a country where the president is insulted.
I , the good doctor, can tell her for free that countries with far more competent leaders than Scarfmore are subjected to ridicule and criticism by their citizens on a daily basis.
It is par for the course when one is a national leader.
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For goodness sake Scarfmore is not a deity that is immune from criticism especially with his failure ridden leadership characterised by failed currencies, increased grinding poverty, company closures, job losses, power outages and endemic corruption among other ills.
The reason there is resistance within even Zanu PF for Scarfmore to extend his vapid leadership beyond the constitutional mandated term limit of 2028 is quite simple.
Members of Zanu PF are not immune from the devastating impact of the Scarfmore-led regime’s ineptitude.
They, just like other citizens in the country, suffer from scouring the streets in vain for jobs, experience the frustration of going 18 hours without power and the agony of using a local currency that could depreciate in value at any moment.
The push for Scarfmore to extend his term beyond the constitutional limit has inadvertently laid bare just how reviled and unpopular Scarfmore really is.
The latest Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference pastoral letter summed up the elephant in the room for this country at the moment, which is the 2030 madness.
They said: “Politically, instead of focusing on bread and butter issues we are caught up in distractions such as the ‘third term’ conversations, something that has brought with it divisions and unnecessary diversions from the things that do matter.”
I couldn’t have said it any better and I will not spoil the message by adding anything.
The tragedy of the country being burdened by the hapless and impoverished Scarfmore leadership on the country’s health sector has again been exposed with the tragic revelation that nearly 300 babies and more than 50 women died due to complications in childbirth in January 2025 alone.
This was revealed by the Health deputy minister Sleiman Kwidini.
This development is a damning indictment of the neglect of the health sector by the regime which instead prioritises buying vehicles for chiefs and building VVIP airport pavilions at the expense of providing adequate resources for hospitals to prevent the unnecessary loss of lives .
It is shameful that prominence is given to buying houses for ministers and judges at the expense of adequately funding the health sector to reduce the incidents of deaths caused by childhood complications.
It is a travesty that since Scarfmore was propelled into power on the back of guns and tanks eight years ago, his regime has failed to allocate at least 15% of the country’s revenue to the country’s health sector as agreed by African governments in Abuja Nigeria at the turn of the century.
The sad revelation of these deaths puts into sharp focus the boneheaded remarks by Health minister Douglas Mombeshora of promising heli -pads at health institutions, when public hospitals lack the most basic of resources such as bandages and painkillers.
Deny it as you may, Gushungo was a far better leader than his probity- deficient and clueless successor.
It never rains but it pours for Movement for Democratic Change leader Douglas Mwonzora after the High Court ordered his party to elect new leadership as the one held in 2022 was null and void.
This is a hammer blow to Mwonzora who since 2022, has gone from being the influential leader of the MDC members of parliament and councillors whom he could expel whenever the fancy took him to being kicked to the political scrapheap after his party was rejected outright by the electorate in both the 2022 by- elections and the flawed 2023 harmonised elections.
Now, at a time that the bespectacled lawyer is still licking his wounds from such a devastating loss of face, he faces the prospect of being removed as the MDC leader further plunging him into political oblivion.
Faced with the risk of being obliterated from the country’s political fabric, Mwonzora has come out swinging vowing to fight the court ruling and has also pointed to his opposition to Scarfmore clinging on for a third term as the reason for his current woes.
As far as spectacular falls from grace are concerned, the collapse of Mwonzora’s political fortunes ranks among the worst of the lot.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)