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Letter to my people: Bombshell throws cat among the pigeons

The strike by health workers at Sally Mugabe Hospital formerly known as Harare Hospital due to parlous working conditions has yet exposed the incompetence of the regime.

My Dear People

The re-emergence of Blessed Geza through what he called a ‘’state of the nation address’ has thrown the cat among the pigeons and has shown how the ruining party Zanu PF is being torn apart due to a fierce fight for power.

 In his broadcast on social media, Geza sensationally claimed that the scarfed one is making plans to eliminate his deputy Generari.

This comes as senior party figures in the party such as Oppah  Muchinguri-Kashiri and Patrick Chinamasa continue  to advance the push for Scarfmore’s vapid leadership to be extended from the constitutionally mandated 2028 to 2030 despite Scarfmore’s unconvincing resistance to do so.

 It also comes after the party’s loudmouth Christopher Mutsvangwa has insulted Generari by more or less calling him a bumbling fool.

To say there is pandemonium and turmoil in  Zanu PF is a masterpiece of the understatement.

This is what the great and wisdom imbued Gushungo meant when he stunned Zimbos by revealing that there was no one in the party who had the nous to succeed him and keep the party united.

Now, my dear people,  you see  why he had to remain at the helm at all costs even when in frail health.

I am under no illusion that this fight is to improve the welfare of the  citizens.

It is a battle of entrenching snouts into the feeding trough.

Geza’s broadcast has also exposed the desperately poor judgement of arresting Blessed Mhlanga as this has not stopped the evisceration of Scarfmore by Geza.

Since the removal of Gushungo, things are falling apart at an alarming rate under this clueless coup regime.


Faced with the embarrassing situation of  numerous companies closing shop or relocating outside the country, the Scarfmore led dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion has revealed that it will reduce taxes and other cumbersome levies  within six months.

That it has taken eight years since the Scarfed  One was propelled into power through guns and tanks, to implement measures to ease operations of business has indeed shown  just how much  the country’s citizens are burdened by such bankrupt leadership.

That it took the near total collapse of the retail sector to move the regime into action, exposes how the claim of being open for business was nothing more than a hollow slogan.

The establishment of the investment promotion arm, the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency has been deemed irrelevant due to the regime’s scorched earth policies that have impeded foreign direct investment.

I am not holding my breath that the so-called reduction and removal of some of these taxes will make a fundamental difference.

Knowing the greed of this lot, the reductions are most likely to be piecemeal and done more for cosmetic purposes than anything else. Second repubric, my foot!!!


The strike by health workers at Sally Mugabe Hospital formerly known as Harare Hospital due to parlous working conditions has yet exposed the incompetence of the regime.

The recurring crisis in public health institutions is a damning indictment of the Scarfmore regime who nearly after a decade in power, still have not managed to allocate 15% of the country’s revenue to this vital sector preferring instead to splurge funds on buying luxury cars for chiefs and other regime fat cats as well as building useless VVIP airport lounges.

Given the neglect of the health sector by the Scarfmore regime, it must have felt like a death sentence for the health workers who will now work for  this dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion after they were affected by the cut in United States funding by Trump.

With the health sector in such doldrums, I am always exasperated by the remarks of Health minister Douglas Mombeshora ,who probably in a state of inebriation, promised heli -pads at hospitals.

With the cut in funding by the United States, I fear that the health sector under this hapless regime will continue to crumble like a deck of cards.


The levels of vanity by Scarfmore are nothing short of ridiculous.

Since he took power through fumes of gunpowder, there has been a craze to give the impression that most of the programmes, funded by the taxpayer, are coming from Scarfmore’s pocket.

 Last week the octogenarian launched the Presidential Youth Fund.

This is in addition to the Presidential War Vets Fund, the Presidential Solar Programme, the Presidential Goat Scheme, the  Presidential Inputs…I could go on and on.

 The Scarfed One also has several roads countrywide named after him. He has even preposterously attempted to turn his birthday into a national event with the introduction of Munhumutapa Day to coincide with  his day of birth.  

The irony of the  difference between the success enjoyed by Munhumutapa leaders  and the disastrous leadership of  his regime, characterized by increased poverty, high inflation, failed currencies, company closures, job losses, prolonged power outages that have grounded industry and endemic corruption is lost in the throes of  Scarfmore’s narcissism.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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