Hwange residents fear lung diseases
What artists say about Uhuru
Mteki approaches Mukanya over Chivayo lavish offer
Briefs: Councillors act against drug abuse
Bryn Mteki back on the music scene
The musician told Standard Style that he was back on the showbiz arena with a number of projects lined up this year, including the release of his 10th album.
Bryn Mteki back on the music scene
The musician told Standard Style that he was back on the showbiz arena with a number of projects lined up this year, including the release of his 10th album.
Govt mum on Gwayi-Shangani relocations
A total of 2 422 people, whose homes lie in the dam’s catchment area, will be relocated and last year, government officials visited the villagers to evaluate their properties and look for a place to relocate them.
Pakistan likely to dissolve CPEC Authority
Pakistan Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives will ask Prime Minister Shebaz for the dissolution of the authority of CPEC, The Nation reported citing official sources.
Rox giving identity to Midlands music
Matsiwo, popularly known as a Rox, said in the past Gweru was regarded as a “sleepy zone” with many successful artistes opting to migrate to Harare on receiving their first ray of break through into the cut throat musical scene.