Bittersweet moments for schools as Secretary’s Bell returns
Parents, on the other hand, are crushing under demands of the ever increasing cost of living which was put at $1 million as at end of May.
By Zivisai Chagaka
Jul. 2, 2023
BCC guns for pushcart operators ... imposes US$120 fine for impounded carts
Latest council minutes state that the local authority decided to heavily descend on the pushcart operators after linking them to high levels of littering and dumping of waste in the CBD.
By Silas Nkala
Feb. 8, 2023
ED succession: Zanu PF purge opens can of worms
By Nqobani Ndlovu and Kenneth Nyangani
Mar. 9, 2025
Manhize mass relocations: Zanu PF bigwigs accused of orchestrating horror campaign against villagers
Mar. 9, 2025