letter to my people: Monica Mutsvangwa’s horror show
Zec is not known for its competence, but it surely is a stretch for Dougie to blame it for his failure to even do the most basic of things of paying for his own candidates.
By Doctor Stop It
Jul. 2, 2023
Letters: Zanu PF messing up our lives
Six years after he was deposed through a coup d'état, they still claim to be undoing what Mugabe did. God forbid.
By Amh Voices
Jun. 13, 2023
Govt revamps forestry policy
Information minister Monica Mutsvangwa said sustainable utilisation of forest resources as guided by the Constitution might benefit and change lives of communities in rural areas.
By Lorraine Muromo
May. 18, 2023
Zim’s new cyber city: Urban utopia or surveillance menace?
IN a fertile stretch of fields and farms dubbed New Harare, Zimbabwe is building a high-tech “cyber city” a world away from the traffic-clogged streets
By Amh Voices
Feb. 28, 2023
ED succession: Zanu PF purge opens can of worms
By Nqobani Ndlovu and Kenneth Nyangani
Mar. 9, 2025