Nine men in soup for stocktheft
The court also heard that on September 19 this year, Owen Konzayi discovered that his five cattle, valued at US$1 900, had been stolen from his pen.
By Berita Kafesu
Nov. 25, 2024
Divine insight: The art of dreaming dreams
One biblical example is Pharaoh's dream, which was not just a personal reflection but a divine revelation intended to preserve Israel and the world from famine.
By Humphrey Mtandwa
Apr. 21, 2024
Hebrew Scripture: Hardening Pharaoh’s heart: How is that fair?
Note that through the first five plagues it is Pharaoh who stiffens his own heart. And yet, we find that there is genuine tension in his decisions each step of the way.
By Gavriel Lakser
Dec. 24, 2023
Divineinsight: Revealing the hidden language of dreams and visions
Many people ignore the voice of dreams because they assume dreams have no impact in life. However, history has proved otherwise, as seen in the story of Pharaoh and Joseph.
By Humphrey Mtandwa
Oct. 22, 2023
Sunday word: Out of the eater
Welcome again to this platform where we encourage and exhort each other with the word of God.
By Prosper Tingini
Sep. 17, 2023
Dream cycles and demonic attacks
So, there is no dream that is just a dream. Because the dream dimension is a place where what you are struggling with is reflected. An addiction can appear as eating in a dream.
By Humphrey Mtandwa
Mar. 5, 2023
What happens right after we die?
The soul feels a deep sense of serenity, of being at peace with itself — as if it is preparing to return home.
By Dovid Rosenfeld
Dec. 25, 2022
Divine insight: Let Godly leaders arise
Disaster is a wake up call, when the tyrant whom the world ignored over stretches his power.
By Humphrey Mtandwa
Oct. 23, 2022
Mnangagwa succession battle turns ugly
By Nqobani Ndlovu and Problem Masau
Mar. 23, 2025
Alarm as Zimbabwe’s new cholera outbreak reaches ‘significantly above normal thresholds’
Mar. 23, 2025