Alpha Media Holdings (AMH)’s Independent Editorial Advisory Board of Trustees has noticed recent inaccurate coverage regarding certain changes which have occurred in the shareholding of the company. In that light, we would like to advise the public as follows:
- The business has been on a journey of restructuring and strengthening its operations and balance sheet for future proofing it. In view of the post-Covid-19 pandemic as well as the changing market dynamics, this is an ongoing process. A few months back, a well-subscribed private placement brought in minority shareholders into the business. As was expected, the transaction did not change control of the company; instead it brought in capital into the business and buttressed growth prospects.
- Editorial independence is sacrosanct at AMH. The changes in the shareholding structure of the company will have no impact whatsoever on the editorial policy which is currently in place. We reiterate that the Editorial Policy falls under the Independent Editorial Advisory Board of Trustees to which the editorial function reports. All shareholders appreciate, support and passionately share the importance of an Independent-thinking editorial team. The Company also has a Public Ombudsman, Justice Moses Hungwe Chinhengo. This structure insulates Editorial Policy and our journalists from undue influences from shareholders, the business and politicians.
- As an Independent Editorial Advisory Board of Trustees, we are confident that all AMH Shareholders are focused on preserving the high standards of Press freedom and thought without any fear or hindrance whatsoever. Our mission is to make and continue making a meaningful and constructive contribution to a just and equitable society in our beloved
Zimbabwe. The Shareholders and Editorial team are committed to Nation Building. Our mission is to make a meaningful contribution to a just and equitable Zimbabwe.
For and On Behalf of the Independent Editorial Advisory Board of Trustees
Muchadeyi Ashton MasundaChairmanAMH Independent Editorial Advisory Board of Trustees
7 October 2022