A secret.
I was listening to Chris Chinaka’s interview with Trevor Ncube. These brothers reminded me of the golden days at Ziana. What made those days the golden days was that anyone of us could walk into the offices of our elders, Willie Musarurwa, Henry Muradzikwa and Henry Munyukwi and share a cup of tea.
Willie called me one day and asked: “Ken, do you know that Enos Nkala will never see anything good in Joshua Nkomo?”
There was a family quarrel in which Nkomo was accused of a breach of trust. Nkala never forgave Nkomo for that breach.
In April 2011, long after Barack Obama had been inaugurated president, Donald J. Trump continued to fan the flames on television that Obama was born in Kenya. This birther argument originated from Hillary Clinton, who daubed Obama “exotic” because of his complexion. There was also evidence that in his earlier life, Obama had attended school in Indonesia under the name of his step father as Barry Santoro.
On April 30, 2011, Obama invited Trump to a White House dinner where the “roast” was supposed to have been Obama himself. The biting words were these.
“Whatever Donald may dream of; he will never be president of these United States.” Obama went on, causing great embarrassment to his guests for close on 15 minutes. In civilised communities, one does not invite a guest in order to make a mockery of him.
Roger Stone, Trump’s long-time friend says this humiliation started a feud that would last to the death.
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Stone was later thrown in prison for refusing to tell on Trump.
When Trump ran for the presidency in 2015, Obama teamed up with Hillary Clinton and Speaker Nancy Pelosi to do him harm through lawfare.
It was Hillary (known as the witch) who created the story that Trump was a Russian spy, leading to Trump’s first impeachment. The impeachment was done by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (known as the second witch). The older Pelosi (then 70-years-old) adored the handsome Obama and was protecting her lifelong practice of “insider trading".
Trump further stirred the pot by calling Pelosi “Crazy Nancy”.
In retaliation, Obama and the two witches eventually drove Trump out of the White House, even impeaching him after he had left.
To make sure that Trump would never come back, the three went into overkill, placing a puppet, senile and corrupt Joseph Biden into the White House (2021-2024) to do their bidding.
The overkill came when they brought back, O. Carrol Simpson, a pornographic star from the year 1991 to press charges against Trump. The statute of limitations was modified. A jury was asked.
“Did Donald J. Trump rape O. Carrol Simpson?” The answer was “NO.”
The judge had difficulty explaining that if Trump was not guilty of rape (which is described as penetration against the will of the victim) he was guilty of “sexual assault”.
The corrupt Chief Anchor at the American Broadcasting Corporation, George Stephanopoulos, repeated the bad word “rape” (ten times) even though his manager had warned him against it.
Stephanopoulos was fined US$15 million for libel.
But there is more.
The three haters and their associates were carrying out a personal vendetta against Trump. Ashley Merchant, a paralegal, working in a high office, inadvertently, came across a group of men and women, Georgia Fulton County Attorney Sister Fanni Willis, her lover, Brother Nathan Wade, Vice-president Kamala Harris and two other high officials meeting regularly to concoct crimes against Trump. According to Judge Joe Brown, former Trump Attorney General William Barr may have been the brains behind the scheme.
At this point, our great master at the Sunday Mail, Willie Musarurwa would ask.
“What is your story?”
The long and short of it is that despite the fact that the legacy media was all programmed to destroy Trump, through alternative media, the American people, who have a natural sense of fairness and empathy for the under-dog came to realise that president Biden and his puppet masters, Obama, Pelosi and Hillary were probably behind Trump’s trials and tribulations.
As the wind began to blow against the Democrats, the legal institutions began to revisit all the charges that had been brought against Trump.
As we go to press, December 30, Georgia’s chief law enforcement officer, Chris Carr has declared Sister Willis’s 18 charges against Trump as “lawfare”. (his word). Further, he declares that the charges should be dropped altogether.
Sister Willis, a Georgia Superior Court has declared, must not take part in the case because “she is self-conflicted”. Secondly, she must answer some questions from a legislative committee inquiring whether she has committed judicial misdemeanors which may require her to be disbarred.
Winds of change
The three haters, especially the Obamas (husband and wife) did not appreciate that the winds of change are blowing hard across the US.
The idea that people of colour must vote black for reasons of solidarity has long been thrown overboard. While Obama served every other interest group, marriages for gays; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) took away affirmative action in favour of Negroes (for whom it was originally intended) to include Asians.
With their advanced (Asians) education and wealth creation cultures, guess who benefitted from this policy.
It was Trump who placed black colleges on a permanent financial platform, not Obama who never stopped preaching that he was a president for all the people. It was also Trump who revised the “Three Strikes You are Out” law written by Biden which locked up too many blacks into life in prison for petty crime.
While Obama bailed out the crooked banks, these same banks foreclosed on poor housing (mine included).
Then there was the great lie. Vice president Kamala Harris was black. “NO, SHE ISN’T.”
On October 11, Obama confessed; “We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turn out in our neighbourhoods-this is pronounced with the brothers.”
Yes sir.
*Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes from the US. He can be reached at mufukaken@gmail.com