The seed was sown and watered withWaters of poetry,in mother's wombIt grew fed with poetry,loved and hushedWith words of poetry
Refined though it wasn't,still it wasPoetry,every word spoken,song sungAbuse to the bearer,the soil the motherTo the seed,the baby,poetry it was
On birth,caregivers,midwives urging voicesMother's cries and screams of pain were lullabiesOf poetry hushing the baby to hours of sleep And growth afterwards
Recitations of poetry by school going siblingWatered and nurtured the love of poetryMaking the baby glow and skip at recognitionOf poetical voices,poetry become one withThe growing plant the baby
Today the plant a huge tree it is still heartSkipping,missing a bit at the mentionOf poetry,respect to great poets she holdsWondering at how they string words likeBeads,the talent she yearns to holdYet she muddle puddles fumbling forThe threads and beads so she could tryBeading poetry