My Dear People
As I write my missive to you my dear peopleI have a lot of anger and bitterness caused by the spiteful seizure of our land by this dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion.
I would have understood, begrudgingly of course, if the land taken from us was being allocated to landless Zimbabweans, who have a genuine passion for farming activities.
But lo and behold, as is typical of this corrupt and disgraceful regime, the land has been parceled out to Scarfmore’s cronies and family members including Scarfmore’s daughter Tariro.
The land seizure had nothing to do with giving the general populace land, but to enrich mandarins close to the scarfed one.
This just goes to show the callous nature of the Lacoste regime, which continues to harass us.
Was it not enough that they illegally removed the telescopic foresighted and wisdom-imbued Gushungo in 2017 in their insatiable greed for power?
- Letter to my people: Don’t read much into the handshake
- Letter to my people: From leading railing firm to borehole drilling
- Letter to my people: Parading clowns, ‘billionaires’ at State House
- Letter to my people: ‘Walking gracefully’: Introducing Dr Amai II
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This is betrayal most foul from one who was so close to Gushungo for half a century.
It once again shows that the scarfed one does not have an ounce of probity in him as rightly observed by the all-knowing Gushungo, one of the continent’s greatest leaders.
With the government’s push for domestic tourism falling flat, the so called second repubric are now resorting to acutely desperate measures to save the programme from abysmal failure.
The latest brain fade from this hopelessly incompetent regime, which was announced by Tourism minister, Barbra Rwodzi, is to take from the paltry salaries earned by civil servants to contribute towards their visit to one of the country’s tourist destinations.
It takes a special kind of desperation to want to further purloin from the civil servants' meagre earnings to help prop up domestic tourism.
It seems to elude these bozos that domestic tourism by civil servants can only be improved by significantly improving their paychecks so that they can afford to travel to these tourist destinations.
It is not surprising that teachers have roundly rejected this ridiculous idea. As sure as my doctorate which I attained in record time, the contributions by civil servants will be abused and stolen if this preposterous scheme was to be implemented.
Such idiocy is what you get when you put a woman who has no qualms of calling a policeman doing his duty, a dog, as tourism minister .
Just when you thought that information permanent secretary Nick Mangwana could not say anything more bizarre, he keeps on baffling us with his rantings.
Last week he came up with this gem.
“We have to unshackle ourselves from this reliance on a currency that is backed by nothing, but propaganda and the ability of the issuer to compel economic participants to transact in dollars. Nothing else”
No he was not talking about the Zimbabwe dollar, which the regime ditched after introducing it just five years ago after it led to high levels of inflation and neither was he talking about the bond notes which Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor John the Second recently revealed was backed by nothing more than hot air.
He was talking about the United States dollar, which is used for more than 80% of the country’s transactions and which his boss Scarfmore called ‘real money’. Unopengaaa!!!
This is the money that is dished out by the scarfed one at public gatherings and he looks anything but shackled when he throws around the greenback like confetti at a wedding.
This nurse-turned-permanent secretary seems to be living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.
The United States has never shackled the regime to using the greenback.
In fact, this regime that is synonymous with poverty, darkness and confusion, resorted to using the United States dollar after it had failed to run the economy with its own currency.
This was after it had made the defunct currency the sole legal tender in June 2019 before resorting back to the greenback with egg on the face.
It is rich for Nick to speak of the United States dollar in such disparaging terms when his regime embarrassingly failed to stabilise its own currency to the extent that the highest denomination of ZW$100 was not even enough to purchase a sweet.
That this embarrassing nonsense comes after the former nurse lied that one Peter Murphy, who supported last year’s fraudulent elections was a former Australian prime minister clearly shows that Mangwana is increasingly becoming a liability for the regime with his infantile outbursts.
After the disastrous performance of the South African African National Congress in the country’s recent elections in which it lost its majority for the first time since independence in 1994, there is panic, especially within our own second repubric.
Zanu PF secretary of administration Obert Mpofu revealed that Sadc will soon meet to, among other things, insulate themselves against “colonial infiltration”.
This, of course, is in reference to the South African opposition party Democratic Alliance, which is seen as an appendage of apartheid, doing well in the elections to ensure that it will be part of the government national unity.
We do hope that when they do sit down these parties will discuss ways to govern effectively for the benefit of the citizens they lead and shun corruption which is a major reason why the ANC lost its majority.
With corruption being such a staple diet for Zanu PF, I am not holding my breath that will happen.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)