Foundries engage banks to raise US$15m for retooling
The number of companies operating in the profitable steel recycling sector has increased as a result of the increased demand for steel.
By Freeman Makopa
Feb. 23, 2024
Foundries require US$50m for retooling
ZIF chief operations officer Dosman Mangisi told Standardbusiness that retooling the sector will help cut the import bill.
By Freeman Makopa
May. 21, 2023
‘Zim loses US$1,5m/yr to scrap metal smuggling’
Steel manufacturers which depend on scrap metal as a raw material used to flourish in the country, but during the past 10 years, hundreds of businesses nationwide have closed.
By Freeman Makopa
May. 15, 2023
Steel manufacturing industry bullish
Zimbabwe used to have a thriving manufacturing sector during the time ZiscoSteel, Zimasco, Zimcast and Zimalloys were at their peak.
By Emmanuel Mpofu
Apr. 30, 2023
Zim to premier at metals value-addition conference
In an interview with the Independent, Mangisi said Zimbabwe had made significant strides in value addition and beneficiation of metals and minerals.
By Sydney Kawadza
Jan. 27, 2023
Reinforce mining shafts, small-scale miners told
Most of the accidents occur at illegally operated formerly disused mines, with a few happening at legally-run small-scale mines.
By Obert Siamilandu
Dec. 16, 2022
ED succession: Zanu PF purge opens can of worms
By Nqobani Ndlovu and Kenneth Nyangani
Mar. 9, 2025
Manhize mass relocations: Zanu PF bigwigs accused of orchestrating horror campaign against villagers
Mar. 9, 2025